93 Octane Map (merged with "What happened to 93)

Ah, well then. Thanks for merging (AND creating the map

I reiterate for our Portland STMers - no matter how tempting it is to get your 93 octane at Scrub-a-dub on outer Forest Ave, don't do it! I wish I knew how to get the octane tested, because as soon as I stopped using their fuel, my CEL stopped lighting up...

yeah I have had problems like that as well. my car almost died one night after filing up at Mobil on Congress near Gorham Bike (back when they had 93) I got a CEL once I got on the highway and it sputtered and stalled a couple times. I pulled in and bought 5 cans of HEAT (basically ethanol) and it started to run OK again... I was pissed.

Thanks for hte merge. Let's try to keep this updated. I may do some recon this weekend. I think some of these have changed since the map was created....

It would be nice to know what a bottle of STP octane boost does to a full tank of 91....if anything

Hmm, well, the normal difference between the price for 91 and 93 is $0.10/gallon, so unless the octane boost costs less than $1.20 and raises the octane rating of the whole tank up to 93, sh'aint worth it.

I used to put a thing of that stuff through at each oil change on one of my Saabs...don't know if it really did anything but make me feel good.


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