A Cool Subie article i thought i might share.


yet another cool thing about working for teh airlines is that you always find odd and cool magazines.

This article came from a magazine called Evo, which I believe to be English. It's website can be found@ evo.co.uk.

The article is written by Henry Catchpole. Pardon my spelling. At the top of the page was an RB5 parked near a lake (what a sexy grandma that car is). and the obligatory 22B sliding around a corner :headbang:

"Those chaps who take large hat-sizes and write the oxford English dictionary say that it's easy to spot a cult by its 'devotion or homage to a person or thing.' Surely if this applies to any car, then it applies to the Subaru Impreza.

It is of course the perfect car to cultivate a cult. firstly, it's unique. it's flat-four, and instantly distinguishable burbling warble make it stand out from the crowd. it's why impreza's garner more affection from evo's. secondly, its affordable. this makes it attainable for a wide audience but (thirdly) its love of lots of fuel with high octane numbers means that despite its attainability, it's not about to lure spendthrifts. fourthly, it is utterly brilliant to drive, and easy to drive fast. its not a haughty beast that makes you suffer for your thrills; an Impreza welcomes you into the world of ground covering with open arms.

Finally, its loutish and ugly. Or at least it is in the eyes of those outside the cult. The unbelievers. M3's get bought by bankers with bonuses to show off to their mates. a golf GTI is purchased so your wife wont have to apologize whenever you go round to other peoples houses for dinner. But an Impreza with a towering wing, and a drainpipe for an exhaust is the car of the social outcast. and that's a good thing, because it means you don't just fall into driving a WRX or an STI, you drive it for the right reasons. If you drive an Impreza then you have already passed the initiation test.

Scoobynet.com has 75,000 members. see two STI's pass each other in the street and if you're quick, you might just notice the brief nod, or gesture of acknowledgment between drivers. Hoards of people united by a car.

And then of course there were the high priests of the cult, Colin and Richard. When Colin McRae was killed two months ago (guess this was an older issue) it was a procession of Subaru's that came from all over the country to file past his house in Scotland.

Some people just wont get it. even some that like cars will dismiss impreza's. But that makes the cult of Subaru all the sweeter for the enlightened ones. if you're interested, then why not come along to a friendly introductory Subaru track day. Blue and Gold robes are not compulsory at the first meeting, and you're free to leave at any time. .. ..

Anyway, thought you guys and gals might like. Carry on. :bunny:

Moving article. Nice pick-me-up for a Friday morning.

I feel.... like a member of a family. *tear* *sniff*

But srsly, nice writeup. Take that, M3 & GTI owners... ha!


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