A positive garage review! From me even! Don Foshay's Brunswick (SUBARUGURU)


Active member
So we lifted the wife's 06 WRX wagon with Forester struts.  She took it to 2 different garages, who said it was so far out of whack they couldn't help her, the last one said it could be fixed with a camber kit at all 4 corners, in the end they were talking $360 for an alignment????!!!????!!!   . A few messages back and forth with Gabe, and we made an appointment with Mike (SUBARUGURU on here) down at Foshays in Brunswick. Got there, and about 35 mins later, it was done, with no camber kits needed, and almost zero on every measurement.  I haven't put good tires on it yet, but the difference is huge already.  A big ol A plus for those guys down there!  I almost bought a set of Cooper Discovery mud terrains while we were there to put on it....  maybe next time.  Also, Mikes Forester looks killer sitting out there....

Yeah that's where I'm taking my Forester hopefully next week. They did a great job on my other Forester as well.

Do you know what they ended up doing? Just getting enough play in the lower strut bolts? Or maybe play in the top mount bolts?

Gabe also recommended this place to me saying they do excellent work, but I have yet to try them.

I wouldn't hesitate to go back there.  As far as what he did, I think he swapped out the top and bottom bolt, to gain a bit more adjustment. He didn't say for sure though, I couldn't get it to come close visually as it was (you could see the tops of the tires aiming out), so he did something different than I tried.


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