ABS died?!?


So I think my ABS died or something.

Left tonight, was slippery and ABS was doing it's job. Got a bit stuck leaving the parking lot after choir practice (parked in a snow bank
). But everything was fine. When I got on my back road it was unplowed and fun. Sliding around and all. Getting towards my driveway I slammed on the brakes, but missed my driveway (ABS still doing it's thing). When I stopped I did a power circle in the middle of the road to turn around, and after that my ABS light came on, and now ABS doesn't work anymore. WTF?

No, I'm mainly worried about inspection ... haha. Or if someone else drives my car. < mainly that one actually.

rip the abs light bulb out
ABS sucks anyway

when i was taking rear knuckle off the RS, i broke ABS sensor (again:) ), so i' thinking about tearing the whole system out

I'm gonna pull the code tomorrow and see what's up.

Pull the light out? I just had the gauge cluster out last week ... damn. haha.

The only reason I care about it is if my family or GF drives. All are used to ABS, just step on the pedal as hard as you can and the car will stop and not go into a slide .... that would most likely get my car crashed off a bridge.

I have to say it was a bit startling when I stepped on the brakes and suddenly ... where did ABS go?

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I used to loose it on my Grand Cherokee after a hard day of wheeling and most of the time it came back after a good bath, then I just pulled the fuse and got rid of it.

Yeah anti stop brakes suck, but I know what your saying, for those who know nothing but, it'sot good when they are expecting them, but there is a reason I call them anti stop!!!

Yeah anti stop brakes suck, but I know what your saying, for those who know nothing but, it'sot good when they are expecting them, but there is a reason I call them anti stop!!!
I know exactly what your saying, I almost smacked up a new Caprice cruiser(a 92) when that crap first came equipped on them.

I took out the fuse last winter, and I was gonna do it this winter too. I don't like them. But if my parents, or especially sister drive my car, they will crash it without ABS. That's why I'd like to be able to have it working.

So after about a mile of driving ABS started working as quickly as it stopped. Then I was in town and it quit again ... I'm just gonna pull the fuse. Eff it.

So after about a mile of driving ABS started working as quickly as it stopped. Then I was in town and it quit again ... I'm just gonna pull the fuse. Eff it.
you probably have somethign stuck inthe sensor area.

Maybe. The frustrating thing is, it will be "working" as in the light is off. And it will work for some slippery stops. But then I'll be stopping on the slippery and it will randomly cut out. Which I find really obnoxious and dangerous.

I used to clean the tone rings frequently on my Grand you would not believe the crap and metal filings that build up.

Maybe. The frustrating thing is, it will be "working" as in the light is off. And it will work for some slippery stops. But then I'll be stopping on the slippery and it will randomly cut out. Which I find really obnoxious and dangerous.
make sure you are not confusing things here...ABS will often cut on and off during the same stop because grip levels change. if you are getting ABS pulsing randomly that may well explain it. if you arre getting into the ABS during normal stops, kthen either you are being too leadfoot on the pedal or or you have crapola tires with no grip (so they skid erratically) or there is some glitch in your car's ABS system. The symptoms you described earlier --ABS worked for a while then after horsing around it cut out--classic case of ice/gravel/schmutz in a sensor...so brakes revert to normal non-ABS mode.

you've mentioned a couple things in earlier posts that aren't even close to accurate as to how ABS works..for instance if one wheel is on ice, ABS dos NOT keep the others from braking, it just cycles the brakes on the slippry wheel.

generally ABS malfunctions are not dangerous, the brakes revert to normal operation if the ABS is screwed up.

I hate it when ABS causes the car to not stop for 100ft when you know it should have stopped in 35ft at 20mph. This happens with my 2009 if I am not using snows. Happened to me 2nd day I had the car.

On the other hand my last car had some pretty serious brake malfuctions when ABS was spliced back together for a sticker. Sometimes I would go to stop and something would go wrong, the pedal would not travel more than 1/2 and inch and get stuck, like I was stepping on a brick under the pedal. You would hear a bumping pulsing sound but there would be virtually no brakes. If you don't manually pulse it 3 or 4 times then you just coast to a stop, which is really bad for busy intersections. If you did pulse it you would get an ABS warning light and the brakes would revert to normal brakes. I prefered the normal brakes, they were predictable.

So I unplugged the battery for a while. FIxed both my open loop issue and now ABS is working again. Some stupid computer glitch I guess. Oh well, all working again.

I know, right?! Computers are how I make money, so I know all about stupid electrical glitches.

I'm putting some real tires on today though, so it should be better


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