Alright Blueoutback

welcome! i see your car all the time, i work for public works and plow around the high school. and if you want low budget rally flaps i can make some for you for 20 if you find a way to mount them. i need to take mine off my 2.5i to trace out a set for my forester, just as easy to do 2 sets while they're off
deal il gladly pay if you wanna make them il get hardware to mount them and il pick them up once u have made them

i like the jeep in that pic nigel!!!
that's one of the Team O recovery vehicles...for some reason it gets a lot of use!

those dynamic recovery straps are awesome, like a big ole bungie to twitch cars out of snowbanks

deal il gladly pay if you wanna make them il get hardware to mount them and il pick them up once u have made them
after i get paid next thursday i'll have the money to buy the materials. should be the following monday we can meet up and i'll give them to you. pming you my phone #

Glad you're doing business with i-wagon! He'll make you some cool flaps, enjoy them!
