Alura's 1992 SVX

You've done a lot of great things to this!! My boyfriend loves older, less common Subarus and just bought one. He was gonna buy just a motor from Fluffy to put in the BRAT he has and make quite a project out of it, but it was already spoken for, so he got one off of Craigslist to do it with, but the car is too nice and he likes it too much to tear it apart. It's got an awful transmission though, so he's gonna replace that and see what happens.

You've done a lot of great things to this!! My boyfriend loves older, less common Subarus and just bought one. He was gonna buy just a motor from Fluffy to put in the BRAT he has and make quite a project out of it, but it was already spoken for, so he got one off of Craigslist to do it with, but the car is too nice and he likes it too much to tear it apart. It's got an awful transmission though, so he's gonna replace that and see what happens.
It is spoken for by her bf :-P

You've done a lot of great things to this!! My boyfriend loves older, less common Subarus and just bought one. He was gonna buy just a motor from Fluffy to put in the BRAT he has and make quite a project out of it, but it was already spoken for, so he got one off of Craigslist to do it with, but the car is too nice and he likes it too much to tear it apart. It's got an awful transmission though, so he's gonna replace that and see what happens.
and the one he bought was the one she was gonna buy for a daily since i have the parts to fix it.....

motor and trans are IN! Would love to snap some pictures but my phone was dead :/ Found out we need to meet up with the guy that sold us the parts car to get the crossmember and the driveshaft because they're svx only. Hopefully getting that done soon! Might be able to start it soon.

the one in freeport is a manual conversion so the driveshaft is different. we had someone look at it not to long ago for us. thank you though!

^^ hoping that link works, butttt... CAR IS RUNNING!! YAYYYY!!!! Is it possible to die from to much excitement...? 



Motor is in and all connected. Trans is in as well, but it doesn't quite bolt in right so that'll be a project to deal with. Waiting on the crossmember and driveshaft still. Axels need to be put in and she will DRIVE!! Well.. by she I mean me.. I will drive. The car will however move under it's own power. 

One more YAAAAYYYYY!!!

And I'm done here.

More to come!


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