Anyone want to make money helping me


New member
I need to install a dp and open source tune. Anyone know who can do the work...I'd like to help and learn too. My mechanic said he would install my dp for $80 but I can't be in the shop helping for liability reasons. I'd like to work on my car but don't have the experience and tools. Thanks for the recommendations

Once I get my garage I'd be down.  We'd have to get a good map though, I don't know how to tune very well yet.  I do have an openport 2.0 though

where are you? giving a town in your location helps as to who would be close to you.. id be game to do the DP robbie has my tatrix right now ..same question whos doing the tune ? eric minehart from torqued performance has done my tunes so far and im very happy with them   

I'm in Portland. I was looking at purchasing a tune from cryo tune. I just needed help flashing the rom. I'm pretty good with android and rooting phones but this is a car not a $400 phone so I just wanted someone who could guide me with the process. I'm sure once I do it once I'll be able to log and flash the rom anytime. I have all the software and traxtic cable. I believe I've hooked up to learning view successfully but it's a foreign to me

well im in poland near auburn .. wouldnt really care if you wanted to help the reflash is easy even doing the DP is easy all and all an hour of work if that 


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