April Northerners Meet!

So Geaghans is right downtown is the plan to park in the parking garage? Could prolly get some nice photos in there if wanted...or park below and do rooftop shots??? Just an idea.

Wheres the parking garage? I do see a big dirt parking lot right next to it

Well things have changed for me. I have to be in West Bath at 430 tomorrow. This is for my cadet shipping so there is no changing it. Wish I could make it.

Oh man sorry for wasting your time Spartan! Next time Ill try to keep it the same place, but the Road house wouldnt let me reserve a table. Pretty lame.

But anywho, it was a pretty good turnout for a northern meet, got to meet some new people and eat some decent grub.

One pic, 3 other cars were behind me, but they were too ugly to include in the picture


Ya great to put some faces to the names and talk shop about Soobys. Glad to hear there is another group drive in the works...not sure if my L will make it but maybe I can hitch a ride for the excitement...

Anyway was a good time!

P.S. I like the cellphone pic....makes my car look less crappy =)
