Ban the Person Above You

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banned so I can post fixed picture:


(since admins are different than mods

ban because my computer is still faster than that.Intel 3.0GHz core2 quad. 4GB ram, 1TB raid 5, on a EP45-UD3P motherboard.
I said for its time

ban because your computer isn't in it's time anymore. mine could run circles around it.

PS, although the picture is amusing, it isn't an accurate depiction of our mods and admins who don't actually abuse power at all. They make the forum run smooth.

And anyway, all the girls had the hots for Carter because his extreme web design skills in highschool anyway

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banned for thinking I'm that ugly and for skipping a ban.

Unless you're saying its Chris in the picture

jump ban up to nate for even implying that's me in that picture. how dare you insult my charming looks!

ban because you said it "Unless you're saying its Chris in the picture

-----Added 12/5/2009 at 02:43:28-----

and ban us all for having a sissy fight in a stupid thread.

ban this stupid thread for being essentially based on sissy fights.

I guess I can ban you for saying Lobstah is the man, while he's actually The God.

At least, I hope so, otherwise he'll owe me a heatshield

And how about this for WIN..... Weve had enough fun with jacking eveyones post count. We can end on a good note.


Dont go try and start a new thread either.

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