Batten down the hatches EARL IS COMING

I hope for a good wallop.

I did learn to watch for the heat wave prior to an oncoming path and well, we are in it right now.

have not seen this or remember it since 1983 (?) living in rhode island. direct hit, all underestimated.. that was an uproar, even on local news after the facts of destruction. 100mph ... and not even a proper prediction until hours prior. It is the same eary heat preceeding it all the way here to maine...

sun journal claims it was july of 1999 since the last heat like this...and we are getting two more days over the '99 blast.

and of course this is late august. I predict a good soaking...and i hope for it too. If heat suddenly stops before it is near, the storm has changed its mind.

it has been a long time.

jeezum crow tankx youse guys for all the well wishes "hope we git walloped." evidently none of you have boats in the water.

it's official: Big-Ass Good Ole Boat Haulin Party in Rock Land Har-bah, startin tonite.

My sailboat is gettin hauled up on its trailer with rig still standing. It will be parked on land with mast up/sails off, and wheels pulled off the trailer. Once storm is gone, it's jackitup and poof back in the water no prob. Gotta save on yard bills somehow.

I am moving the fishing boat away from the barn and trees. putting it out in the middle of the field for the storm. heh...

make sure cockpit drains are free of debris, and/or that boat is covered.

we may well get several+ inches of liquid precip even if the 'cane itself goes further offshore where it belongs.

The boat is covered and has a rack with an aluminum notchback canoe on top for extra protection. I just want it away from trees as it belongs to a friend of mine and is only being parked at my place.

My dad just finished a Wharram catamaran, so we need to do something with that ...

well earl the hooligan turned out to be more of a pussycat...even tho river back of my house is flooded and there are leaves n branches all over the yard. friends who rode out Earl in their sailboat anchored in a secluded cove on North Haven report last nite was pretty bumpy but not out of the ordinary for a "normal" type storm.

however, if us marine types hadn't made all sorts a preparations, (I moved/hauled/beefed-up moorings for a dozen boats and 200' of floats) it would def be stormin like holy hell

I was out for some O/T this morning. Started at 5am and just got home. Nothin happening!! There is still a chance we are gonna get called to Nova Scotia. But we will see

Nova Scotia what?

well earl the hooligan turned out to be more of a pussycat...even tho river back of my house is flooded and there are leaves n branches all over the yard. friends who rode out Earl in their sailboat anchored in a secluded cove on North Haven report last nite was pretty bumpy but not out of the ordinary for a "normal" type storm.
however, if us marine types hadn't made all sorts a preparations, (I moved/hauled/beefed-up moorings for a dozen boats and 200' of floats) it would def be stormin like holy hell
Indeed, if you don't prepare you'll get hammered, and if you do prepare it's a whole lot of time wasted. heh.

I've been on our 33' steel boat in a hurricane once. 75lbs Luke anchor, it didn't go anywhere. But getting gusts over 100 were completely laying the boat down in the water! scary.

Nova Scotia is getting hit right now by the storm, it's a lot weaker than it was, but still has some damaging winds and thunderstorms, so they may need crews to help with the cleanup and power restoration

Rained like a bugger here but not enough I want a monsoon
