Battery Thread

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that might have been nigel with 100w bulbs burning bulb plugs. and as far as lights and radio, i have fogs, hellas, and a 450w amp, oem battery is still fine. you don't need a huge battery unless, like others said, you either have money to throw away or a huge system in the trunk

buy a battery or we are going to steal your car... You made a thread about it so post if you got one and what kind... it only takes about 20 mins to get one and put it in TOTAL... if you haven't done so yet I vote TO BAN for waisting everyones time!

I haven't had time since I got a good answer. Today is friday, and friday means no homework due for 3 days, no work, and only a few hours after school. So guess what I'm going to be doing?

So I ended up not having any time last night until after places closed, but I'm going to VIP this afternoon and having them install a new one and dispose of my old battery for a total of $83. Is it worth calling and asking them what the CCA is at 0 degrees? I swear this is my last question, but since most of you guys said that it really doesn't matter what battery I get as long as I get a new one, but I want to make sure that if its something like 400CCA at 0 (just a random number I picked with no knowledge whatsoever) that I'm not screwing myself with an underpowered battery.

So why are they installing it? You should do that. And thy actually should be giving you a rebate of 10 dollars for the old battery. So make sure!!! 400cca is kinda average. My optima is 720 cca and 900 ca

My parents don't want me to do it myself...

Anyway, most of the batteries I was looking at have at least 540 CCA @ 0 degrees ©. VIP just didn't tell me the specs, though I didn't think to ask when I was on the phone with them. If its not worth calling and *****ing to them then I won't bother to ask until I show up there.

Until then, I have to pull out my center console, AGAIN, to figure out where an annoying noise is coming from. I just installed a new shift boot and I'm hoping that the noise is just something that I dropped around the shifter and not my transmission whining at me...

Tell your parents to stop being herbs and let you grow up. My mom could install a battery and that's saying something.

Tell your parents to stop being herbs and let you grow up. My mom could install a battery and that's saying something.
On your car Nate

Well I have no say in the matter, and I'd rather get the new battery than not.

I'm leaving now. I'll find out the CCA when I get there.

nate, please keep in mind the place you buy it at is required by law to dispose of the old battery. that's the "core charge". for instance if i walk into VIP they charge me 59.99 + $X.XX for a core charge, you bring the battery outside, put it in, then walk in and get your $X.XX back in exchange for your old battery.

I'm back. The battery was something like $62, $10 core charge, -$10 rebate for the old battery, and $13 for the install. Not bad. The only cars in the shop were Subies
. One pre-2000 forest green Legacy on steelies (I think one of the kids, older than me though, who worked there owns it), one navy blue '00-'04 Outback, and mine.

The CCA was high enough (540 I think, definitely over 500 though) that I went with the cheapest/lowest-end battery.

Now that that's done, its time for some wheels and maybe an exhaust

You bought the cheapest battery and then PAID someone to install it for you? You paid someone to install a battery for you?! ARE YOU SERIOUS? Hello grandmother.

Like I said, for some reason my mom didn't like the idea of me doing it myself...

It wasn't expensive so I'm not pushing it any more. I'll do as much as I can on my car though.

Still $13, that's like 20 minutes of work for me. I can change a battery in less than that. And it is satisfying doing my own work. But you could have just done it in the parking lot. Your parents would never have known...

blech, his parents paid for the car and aren't car people themselves. if they're paying in the end it doesn't matter anyway. however nate i wouldn't blame you if you lied to us and said you dropped it in yourself, you rebel you

My parents aren't car poeple either. But they're not going to tell me not to do work to my car. They're not paying for any of it so if I can make it cheaper for myself, they say more power to me. Sure I can afford to pay someone to work on my car if I wanted. But I'd rather use that money and take my girlfriend out ot diner or something. But to each their own.

blech, his parents paid for the car and aren't car people themselves. if they're paying in the end it doesn't matter anyway. however nate i wouldn't blame you if you lied to us and said you dropped it in yourself, you rebel you
Why would I lie just to make myself look better? On the internet of all places

And I had to clean out my savings to buy my car. If my parents were paying, I would have had them pay the difference between mine and an '04/05 WRX, but I would have run out of money paying the insurance on that one.

My parents aren't car poeple either. But they're not going to tell me not to do work to my car. They're not paying for any of it so if I can make it cheaper for myself, they say more power to me. Sure I can afford to pay someone to work on my car if I wanted. But I'd rather use that money and take my girlfriend out ot diner or something. But to each their own.
I'm pretty sure my mom was thinking something about how the battery's contents (acid) are under pressure and have been known to explode if you let it spark too much. She wouldn't take no for an answer, and she has the power to call the DMV and have my license revoked if I piss her off too much. Would she actually do it? I don't know, but I love driving too much to find out.

No offense guys, but I don't need this kind of flaming here, if I wanted it I'd just hang out over at NASIOC more.

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