Battlefield 3

Do you use a headset?

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I'm saving for gears of war 3. I've always been a halo guy, call of duty and similar never really did anything for me

I was going to try gears of war3 but I have to wait til the price comes down.

My head set died I guess. I can hear from it but I cant talk. Is there a setting I might have enabled/disabled?

Just viewed the poll results so far. You people are funny. I'm inski21 on PS3 for COD MW2 and Black Ops, add me as a friend. I'm on maybe once a week these days, more often in the winter.

This is my BF3 Platoon. That I just set up hence no other members yet.

I use my coms and prefer to work as a squad> have one guy support for ammo and another for assault for medical. the others dont matter as much.

I usually will rock recon for the first spawn to lay down a forward position then will go to engineer or support. If choppers are available I will fly trasport a do slow circles of death above flaggs for gunners and troop drops.

I was going to try gears of war3 but I have to wait til the price comes down.

My head set died I guess. I can hear from it but I cant talk. Is there a setting I might have enabled/disabled?
I have gearz 3 sitting in the other room. Gotta wait till christmas tho. Bad company isn't too bad. Just borrowed that from a friend