Because Ricecar Thread

yah no turbo kid looks like he just turned 18 if not younger saw him in hollis the other day at gas station , he just kept staring at me .. funny gf hates being in my car, everyone stares at me .. makes her uncomfortable I guess haha

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yah no turbo kid looks like he just turned 18 if not younger saw him in hollis the other day at gas station , he just kept staring at me .. funny gf hates being in my car, everyone stares at me .. makes her uncomfortable I guess haha
Try 4 different colored wheels!

yah no turbo kid looks like he just turned 18 if not younger saw him in hollis the other day at gas station , he just kept staring at me .. funny gf hates being in my car, everyone stares at me .. makes her uncomfortable I guess haha
my ex used to hate that when I used to have my mitsubishi

came in for tires and I pretty much laughed my DONKEY off....
haha! Brandon jones, you should ask him about Chris Harmon's old accord! That's me.
I gave the most epic thumbs down to a ricer in a eclipse. it was all fast and furious style. went and started a wave, which turned into a huge thumbs down so he could see it. it was high-larious.

I gave the most epic thumbs down to a ricer in a eclipse. it was all fast and furious style. went and started a wave, which turned into a huge thumbs down so he could see it. it was high-larious.

HAHAHAHA THAT is epic because I totally did that to a kid the other day. I had just gone by the expo center in portland and this kid was first in line at a light with a civic, I believe, with a scoop and crap all over it and I laughed pretty hard with anticipation of the thumbs down as I drove up with the rex. Worked perfectly... I was crying I was laughing so hard after I gave him the thumbs down and disapproving shake of the head! It's too funny that you did that also! There is going to be a lot of subie hating from the rice around if multiple people are doing that!

Here is the mr2 I've been promising you guys! Sorry I couldn't get a better shot. Notice the number 7 on the door


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I have seen said MR2. The interior is very rice. And check out those wheels.

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