boost gone...

there is a boost line running from turbo > apexi--------apexi > wastegate

switch it so there is one hose turbo > wastegate. Just to find out if your ebcs is f'd.

Hmmmm maybe that's why my supposedly rebuilt by deadbolt turbo **** the bed after 2000 miles. If you cant find any leaks I would run a vacume line straight from the turbo to the wastegate and see how that does. Bypassing your boost controller.
My DB turbo was a POS on arrival. I was supposed to get my vf37 > turned into a PE1825f and it returned with used parts that didn't

> match the specs I asked for. After installing it there was a

> horrible whining and my oil pump plunger jammed from contaminents. A

> total of 3 oil pumps failed after several flushed. I called Jerry

> and sent him pictures. He agreed the turbo had issues and agreed to

> fix it. It was then destroyed in shipping back to DB to get the

> issues resolved, so I ended up having to buy a new vf37. But the

> contaminents ultimately compromised the new vf37 and the motor.
from an email I just received... I emailed him back trying to get an idea of the time line and dates involved..

used parts, not to spec, destroyed in shipping... wow!

the guy has a site that has some kewl stuff about his car...

is it kewl beanz to post it?

OK..just finished circum-navigating the Apexi out of the loop and returning it whence it came... no (at least I think I did!)

Also just talked to sam indepth about what to look for and future options. We are convinced one of two things has happened... blown airline (probably an elbow buried somewhere deep) or the Deadbolt.

diverter valve ripped to shreds per chance? CEL on? what codes do you have?

take some brake clean and spray around the engine bay with the cahh running and see if idle picks up when you spray it in a certain spot.

just don't spray the turbo haha..

definitely sounds like a huge leak, bad turdbo, or possibly wastegate issues.

stage2 ftmfw! you might be able to beat me off the line, but i'll actually make it to the finish

too bad you didn't live closer, i'd lend a hand.


At this point I am honestly hoping the deadbolt is history.... What deadbolt did or didn't to to the turbo has been a recurring issue for my car and very frustrating: again. If so rebuilding it/replacing it is not that bad a deal in the long run other than additional cost.

A blown line or faulty piping connector is something else, at least to me. Where I have elbows and connectors are already very heavy duty, if they are ripping form air pressure I will spend a lifetime coping with and repairing these. I spent several hours doing my best to make sure all my vacume lines and FMIC piping are connected and not leaking: there is nothinhg glaring and obvious, perhaps some pressure will show otherwise.

Ironically enough M/A courtesy STINate have lived this already with deadbolt, If U look at the first page I think he mentions his deadbolt charger lasting all of two months...what an amazing parallel especially since my deadbolt blew up for the first time last summer, had a deadbolt rebuild late in the fall, was put back in my car and lasted how long? Just about two months, even with a brandy new Apexi boost controller <---there was concern I did it running at 27 PSI through all gears witha manual boost controller, appearantly not as it seems to have popped at the 23-24 as well. My car was designed and built to deal with 27 PSI, if I understand right anything after that requires a block and crank change.

I appreciate all the offers of help.. I wouldn't know what to do with them except point at the car in disgust right now and wish U good luck finding the leak if it exsits. No wait... I know exactly what I would do if someone showed up to help; Escort them to the pool and fire up the blender <--- it has more boost than my car right now.

I think my car is going to follow Nates path... Turbo out, sent to PA (Blouch), returned and out back in the car. I am on the fence as to tuning it, it will eaither B DENT or Xcccleration doing the work. DENT tunes on with a Dyno, Xccleration uses two guys and tunes by driving it..that is a completely different discussion....

DENT sounds like a good time as my car has NEVER been dyno'd. I know what my car was built to do, it is similar to other builds he has done with great results. I have a serious collection of parts, IMHO a great crew who assembled the engine and a car the continues to pull and pull well into triple digits..When it is running right I Would like to see sum #'s to see what it really does......

Thanx again for all the support and offers for assistance..


ps....can I post the link to this guys site with his car?

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over there and looked at it tonight, and i agree the turbo lost the exhaust side. and starts to smoke as soon as it gets some heat into it :-( srry top

deadbolt = deadturbo...

It appearantly let go at a marvelously HUGE RPM and under substantial boost.. It is messy.

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Well it doesn't help that you dropped it in the parking lot yesterday hahaha
Dropped it off my back deck today as well.

I just don't see the point in even trying to continue with anything deadbolt anymore, Time to cut my losses and move on. Did U see all that neato custom polishing I did to the housing with the impeller?

wow, that sucks. Everyone over on iwsti hasn't had pretty good luck with deadbolt.

I think getting a Blouch unit would be the best deal. They make an awsome turbo. Then get a tune done.

Also, a good tuner will tune on the dyno then take the car out with you in it with his laptop on the car to fine tweak the car. I know EFI Tuning does this in CT. but it is a long haul down there.

Dropped it off my back deck today as well.I just don't see the point in even trying to continue with anything deadbolt anymore, Time to cut my losses and move on. Did U see all that neato custom polishing I did to the housing with the impeller?
Yessa, didn't know you knew how to polish turbos. Do you do porting as well?


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