Brake rotor resurfacing .... Is it worth it?

Too late. He just ordered all new shiite from me. GOOD MAN!

When I posted bringing the whole mess inside, I forgot the bolt threads into the caliper bracket, not the steering knuckle. The bolt I snapped was the ball joint pinch bolt.

Finally got the brakes on last night, finished right around 10 pm. Burrr

Dont they look puuurdy now
Gotta go out this morning and bleed them.

Took about 6 days for the whole shannanigans, without the proper tools, equipment and garage.

Thanks a lot to Joel from Evergreen for putting up with me during the repair

Thanks to everybody for advice.

I will post the cost and maybe make a FAQ later on.

Yeah! Those shiny new calipers must look great. I love putting on new parts. Everytime something breaks I don't get mad, I think UPGRADE!

And the best part is those parts tend to outlast all the other parts... usually. Unless you're a plow-truck driver and piss through 10 U joints in 1 season... :

Ask how I know.
