I was wondering what the deal was with people being left behind, communication and such. I don't go on many drives with big groups either so I wasn't sure what to expect or what the focus really was. I felt as though if I fell back I was outta luck and I had no idea where we were going so I just kept pace. We weren't really driving fast the whole time it's just people got broken up with traffic and it wasn't very organized. That's where the main fail happened here.
I'll rip or cruise no matter to me. I just like being out there driving. Took a nice roundabout route back to Kittery, love the roads around here. Sorry to those who got stuck in traffic. I think maybe the OP should have a plan for this next time as it's bound to happen people pulling in and out, lights, etc. I usually go for drives with two or three other cars tops so it's a little different as we know our deal and it's no biggie to pull over and wait if we lose one.
Anyway, nice meeting the few of you I met today!