bugeye wagon part out

Hows the condition on the 5 speed? what would you be looking to get for say that and maybe the rear diff/axles/drive shaft ?

$100 for the intake

$400 for the tranny

If you take the axles/driveshaft/diff along with the tranny I will work out a package price

Sorry just a plain old mirror

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Could you do me the favor of tossing it so that it lands with much breakage in the garbage bin? blowing it up would also be an acceptable means of disposal.

I have no idea. I am probably going to sell it with the tranny but if you really want it you can grab it when I pull the tranny.

Bump for young master Clark who cant make up his mind

Heads are great, the motor ran smooth like buttah before I started yanking stuff off of it. Maybe Inski can chime in on that, he listened to it. I will have the heads off in two weeks, that fit your time frame or do you need them sooner?

Bump it back up. Tranny is gone. Heads will be available next weekish

And thanks to the Rez bros for helping me coerce the motor out


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