

New member
Just checked my online banking and my Bushies were deposited today! WOOT!

Anyone else get their "economic stimulus" fundage yet?



my last 4 digits are in the mid-range so it will most likely be a few weeks for me.

Mike, did you guys get the whole $600 per married person + $300 per child? Or was it adjusted based on income?



New member
Guess it will be a while for us to get our [bushie?],as we file the old fasion way[by paper].. and i feel Uncle sam has no need for access to my bank account :nono:.So ill wait for it to get sent.As my luck goes i just wrote a check to the IRS ,for almost the same figure that my family will be recieving back [1500]. :dontknow:..what a waste of my tax money .when it cost 40 plus million to send a letter to tell us tax payers were getting a check, then the govenment prints more money,or borrow it from china,and sends us a check Saying it is going to stimulate the econemy.,,, :laughing4:WHEN has living beyond your meens turned into a good ecomomics policy :help: please forgive spelling.. :dontknow:



New member
I fully agree... we're getting this $$ but we're gonna pay for it next year, and the year after, and the year after and so on and so forth. I think this "economic stimulus rebate" is idiotic. The only thing mine is going to be stimulating is the amount of interest I get in my savings account.



New member
Yay for being filed as dependent and getting nothing back.



New member
I got my tax returns but I will receive nothing from the "stimulus" package according to irs.gov because I'm filed as a dependent. Peachy.



just checked, and i have tet to be economically stimulated.

that's ok, per the website it will be may 9th . . .. i suppose i can wait :mblah05:



Active member
Economic Stimulus Payment Calculator

You do not qualify for an economic stimulus payment

WEAK!! No bushie for me... wife made too much :BangHead:



Active member
Got the Fed refund yesterday, but no Bushies for us
Waiting for the state refund and gonna head to Sams Club and stock up on rice, gonna be a long year



Active member
got this from the site above:


Last two SSN digits: Payments will be transmitted no later than:

00 through 20 May 2

21 through 75 May 9

76 through 99 May 16

Paper checks will also go out based on Social Security number. For Social Security numbers ending in 00 through 09, the paper checks will be mailed starting May 9 and will continue through May 16. A similar process will be repeated in the following weeks.


Last two SSN digits: Payments will be mailed no later than:

00 through 09 May 16

10 through 18 May 23

19 through 25 May 30

26 through 38 June 6

39 through 51 June 13

52 through 63 June 20

64 through 75 June 27

76 through 87 July 4

88 through 99 July 11
