Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

It should have been a hippie commune instead of an airport.

ME too! i got it for xmas and beat the campaign in one day haha do u have it for 360 or ps3? if its 360 PM for my Gamertag And we can get a mainely Clan Going =)
i already have the clan tag of JEWZ rocking
on 360

What is your tag? I havn't really played the game that much still wrapped up doing a 2nd run through on Dragon Age: Orgines.

I rock out on there. Haven't been on in a few days and won't be on till the end of the month at the earliest probable though. I posted my 360 tag on the other thread.

I haven't tried that yet. I was on last night and sucked all evening. I couldn't shoot anyone. I did stick a semtex on a team mate and ran away.
Dude would not move out of my way.
