Colisee autox


New member
I showed up but didnt stay too long because I had things to do but I got to see some people run. I also got to see that 9k rpms on an S2000 = Clink clink clink. Sucks for whoever that was. Anyway heres some pics






RICK (service manager) FROM EVERGREEN Notice no headlights or grill. EVIL MACHINE



This will give you a better view of most of the course


STI with Cherry Blossom red wheels


and because I think Porsches are a boxer brotherhood


Its too bad I missed the mazda, He or she can't remember spun it on one run. I liked the look of the course I would have liked to run but time wasn't on my side today.

I did see it and admired it. Did you make any passes? I saw a bunch of subies there but they were all Odd numbers so I didnt get to see them run. :-[

yeah i run odds. so i ran in the second heat, probaly after you left. did i see you? i didn't have to work in the morning to i was just walking around catching some rides and chatting with people.

i got a ride in the Porsche, i got a ride in the Porsche,i got a ride in the Porsche, ;D

REALLY nice guy BTW. he defenatly improved over the day.

yeah i run odds. so i ran in the second heat, probaly after you left. did i see you? i didn't have to work in the morning to i was just walking around catching some rides and chatting with people.

i got a ride in the Porsche, i got a ride in the Porsche,i got a ride in the Porsche,
Movin' so fast i'm blurry ;D :
I'm really jealous of Joel, he's got all sorts of headroom in there, and my helmet touches my roof. Not fair at all!

Nice pictures, I always wish more people took pictures at the events. I used to, but I've gotten too involved now and I always have other crap to do it seems.

Great job Joel. Pics look great. How did Rick do? We'll be at Windham and of course it will rain. But the new

Hankook Ventus Sport K104's


280 AA A

should do well. I Hope. If not I'll run the Falken 512's and the Hankook's for Daily driving. The Falkens push a lot on the wet corners tho.


I showed up but didnt stay too long because I had things to do but I got to see some people run. I also got to see that 9k rpms on an S2000 = Clink clink clink. Sucks for whoever that was.
Oh and that was John Miller driving Jason's car. It was down a quart and a half of oil apparently. I feel bad for both him and the owners, it obviously isn't John's fault but when you drive someone elses car it really scares you when something like that happens. It was inevitable though if the car kept running all day that it would tap out running that low on oil. It's always important to keep an eye on VTEC motor's oil levels. They have a pretty good tendancy to use a bit of it :-

Thanks for the comps on the pics. I hope for the owners sake that the cost aren't going to be too outrageous, but in the optomistic view he could always now upgrade all the internals unless its totally un-rebuildable. I maight attend the windham one, if I do I'll make sure to take some more pics.

The S2000 appeared to be the only casualty of the day. That was sad. I love Hondas and they are wickedly expensive to rebuild. My rex feels kinda funny now though...

Gotta check it out before Windham! Woo Hoo!

RComps are fun. They're a pain to change, and you have to really look after them. I was used to street tires before this year, and as a result I ended up cording one of mine very quickly. If driven properly and looked after well you could squeeze a year out of a set, this year i'll be using two sets due to my early year mistakes.

Hope to see you at Windham Joel, glad to hear you've got the bug >
It's a fun hobby. ;D
