Cool looking Bugeye

Damn good for DIY Graphics.

While not my style (my style is no sticker/decals on my car unless sponsors actually pay me
), he did a good job.

Lol. That's a lot of stickers!!!! Street car.... No bueno.... Rally car.... Sticker away.

And it was just my oppinion, I would wear those logos on a T-Shirt, but not on my car. Especially now that KB has gone fiesta. I just spent a week talking my brother in to buying a subaru and then another 2 weeks talking him out of ricing it up like his Cavy.

And it was just my oppinion, I would wear those logos on a T-Shirt, but not on my car. Especially now that KB has gone fiesta. I just spent a week talking my brother in to buying a subaru and then another 2 weeks talking him out of ricing it up like his Cavy.
You are a good brother.

Cop magnet, YES. Decent placement of stickers, yes. Quality of work, let me look at it close up. Some people like stickers on their stuff, my fourwheeler is a huge example. No factory warning labels but plenty of aftermarket stickers which I have used products from. Its a cool looking occasional driver/show car IMO.

The car is nice. A little over the top with the Monster stickers. I don't have any stickers on my ride because I don't have any mods.

Damn good for DIY Graphics.

While not my style (my style is no sticker/decals on my car unless sponsors actually pay me
), he did a good job.
don't let the guys on here get you down....just remember its YOUR CAR!! do what you want to do..and proud of what you have....there have been a ton of subaru trends over the years that I thought were just friggin stupid....but to each there own..

the grafix came out great!!! now I would suggest working on your driving skills! if you can drive circles around ppl they wont have andthing bad to say about you or your car ever again

Oh, as far as vinyl itself goes, that looks like good work. Now if it just had an lift, roll cage, group N brakes, Group N engine, 15" wheels with gravel spec tires, a few other things.
