Coolant leak

Back Story:

Lincoln Street radiator started on Lincoln Street.

They then moved to Main Street by the Canal (Between Yvon's Car Wash and Canal Street) in/around 1999/2000.

In the summer of 2002, the building they were in blew up (literally exploded) from a gas leak in the basement which had nothing to do with them.

Nobody got hurt from the accident (amazingly, since it was around 4pm and Main St was loaded with cars...

Then they re-opened shop at their existing location on Lisbon St.

On January 12, 2004 at approximately 4:00 P.M., an explosion on Main Street, Lewiston was reported ...

I didn't think it was that far back

Guess it wasn't summer either

My dad works right down the street from there, he said the place shook bad.

No no no... it was further back than that... it HAD to be. It happened before I went to school. It must have? Damn, my memory is bad these days. BAH! Anyhow, the place blew up, end of story.

wow, I am a little late on this thread, sounds like you got it fixed.

I had the same problem, coolant leaking from where the plastic end tanks meet the metal cooling fins on my radiator. I was worried that it was something worse, evergreen diagnosed it for me. I was gonna buy a new radiator, but tried some radiator stop leak first, and it worked. Mine only leaked at start-up on terribly cold mornings.
