das GL!

So I've been getting a lot of thumbs up/waves/burnouts/fist pumps from the lifted truck/hick crowd. No wonder you were selling it so cheap!!! I kid I kid!!

I really love the car. It got some added mud on my way home from work today

All the attention from the lifted truck crowd does make me laugh though, someone with a red S10 with hood scoops was doing the burn out gesture behind me at a stop sign today. Backed up and did a burnout, and if I hadn't moved forward at the rapidest possible rate of acceleration the GL can achieve he'd have slammed into the back of my car!! I was laughing so hard! what a tool.

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Nice!!! Yeah I always get looks and waves and everything in every lifted old Subaru I've ever had, it's fun.

It is fun! I'm just surprised I don't see many older subys around.

There is a loyale that's always parked in one spot in damariscotta. It's a tan colour. I need to find the owner some day and say hi. Ask him about his ride. Most people running a pre-legacy suby are probably a bit of an enthusiast. It would be cool to have some more older subys on the site!

So I really need to bleed the brakes ... It's pretty easy, right?

My understanding is:

loosen the bleeder nut on the brake farthest away from the cylinder

have someone press the brake to the floor

tighten it back up again

fill up the reservoir

take foot off brake

repeat until no more bubbles come out.

and then move to the next closest brake. And repeat.

Is it really that easy?

And I'm still not sure what I'm doing about the wheel bearings.

Yeah it doesn't matter too much where you start on that car, but yeah have someone pump the brakes and hold pressure, then loosen the bleeder. Then tighten it back up and repeat that process till no more air comes out. And yes, make sure you keep enough fluid in the reservoir.

Should the engine be running while bleeding the brakes? or not? I've seen mixed answers online.

Cool, it sounds wicked easy. Especially since I can get under the car nice and easy!!! I'll pick up some brake fluid and make my car squirt some red juices!

Chris, I think you can still get this new as well, but this is an excellent manual about the older Subarus.....http://maine.craigslist.org/pts/1663230632.html
Oh sweet! thanks for the post! I'll contact him ASAP!

Sent the email. we're arranging my getting it. If I can see what I'll be working with, I'm a lot more comfortable taking it apart.

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Readying her up for a sticker on Tuesday! I really hope I get a nice new blue sticker, I'll be a little annoyed, but not overly surprised if I don't ... At least it'll give me a list of what needs to be done.

And I still can't figure out what's making it run like crap sometimes, and run really well others. It seems completely random. Bad thermostat and low coolant temps might be upsetting the computer though, so I'll delve in deeper after I have that replaced. And they put the thermostat on the top of the ea81!!! So much less of a hassle than on the ej engines!

I got the lap bets in my car today! The problem was that the receptacles in in the XT6 seats didn't work with the belts from the GL. So I went to Norm's and they sold me the correct receptacles, so I just got done pulling the seats out and bolting those on.

Oh yeah, I forgot about those. They did work, they just didn't like to retract
They retract fine, the buckles just didn't fit in the XT6 receptacles, so I needed to find the right receptacles to bolt to the seats.

Sooo, I failed inspection with flying colours.

* They don't like the wheels sticking beyond the fenders, so I need to make flares or find different wheels for inspection. So I'll find some rubber and make some fender flares or something. (should be easy...)

* Don't like the rust hole into the trunk, BONDO! (Should be easy too...)

* He didn't like the front sway bar being there and not being connected. But said if I removed it that would be fine. So that's coming out. DONE!

* The brake pedal is to low, which I was afraid it would fail for. But they just need to be bled. (Should have been easy, major fiasco)

* he also really really didn't like the reverse light situation, but since they work he couldn't add it to the list

So those are all things I can probably do in a day no prob, but this last one, I have no idea what I'm going to do about it

the slip says "right rear reinforcement bracket for torque arm." It's rusted out and isn't going to pass until I get it welded or replace it. Both of which are going to be a pain/expensive. So it looks like the GL is off the road until I get some money for that. I'll get a pic so you can all see what I mean.


I'm really not sure what I'm going to do about that, but nobody is going to pass it until something has been done.

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So I went to bleed the brakes and the front left bleeder screw is so rusted that I can't get purchase on it with a socket

And I'll need those rear disk brakes. one of the rear bleeder screws broke off. grrr. I doused them in PB blaster multiple times over about half an hour, one turned nice and easy, the other just snapped off.

Suffice to say I'm really really pissed off at this right now.

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I'm not sure about that reinforcement ... wrap it in a sheet of metal and weld that on?

Can you easyout the bleeder screw and just get a new one? Might be easier if you don't have the money right now ...
