"Designing a magazine cover" for school, need cars & photo-tips

I almost thought of doing a processor keychain, but I don't have any dead ones.

My old Athlon 3800+ (939) is missing a pin but still works from what I've tested.

I'll be there at 6...with a hysterical puppy

I'll bring the d90 and a tripod with me too, just in case.

sounds good everybody

I'm trying to figure out somewhere else we can take pictures, apparently there are pipe scraps in the parking lot of the Yarmouth Water building so that may not work.

edit: this single-lane bridge would be sweet, but we'd be blocking traffic for like a minute or more at a time.

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We should still meet in that other parking lot in case somebody doesn't check here before tonight, but we can head over there after.

Have a backup plan - I was down there on Monday, and there were a lot of trucks/trailers there. It's a public boat launch, so if it's not pouring, we'll have company.

Well we should still be able to get good shots in the RR Park lot and the water lot.

If we get rain, we can do some shots like this one of STInate's car:


I'll try to check out this area: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=yarmouth,+me&ie=UTF8&ll=43.810085,-70.202792&spn=0.000902,0.002414&t=h&z=19&msa=0&msid=101208123205416578368.0004554e76ce1a831e4f4. It looks like something was being built whenever that picture was taken so that dirt lot may be gone.

Since its wet out I think I'm going to try for one like that with my dad's Murano and Jimbos Tribeca facing each other.

Since its wet out I think I'm going to try for one like that with my dad's Murano and Jimbos Tribeca facing each other.
If it`s raining don`t forget the girl in the wet T shirt- oops sorry I see this is for HS not collage

So I think I got the pictures I need for an HDR shot of the cars at the Water building (with the train bridge). We'll see if that works out.

It turns out our card reader does read CF, but at least now Jeff doesn't have to be without a memory card.

I'm taking the pictures off of Jim's card and my PaS and I'll post 'em up in low/medium-res.

Thanks again everybody for standing around in the rain with me.


working on it

edit: maximum resolution with 1mb file size, or smaller resolution?

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w00t thanks

I fixed the pictures, didn't realize that when photobucket said "clickable thumbnails" they meant that they linked to thumbnails :.

edit: I may have to let the pictures from Jim's camera upload all night. They're only at 32%!

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