I dont think anybody is against you getting anything for your car. Nigel simply suggested you get some driver training (he is a race driving instructor) the training is not only uber informative, but loads of fun.
Nigel was only offering another way to get the speed out of your system and learn a thing or two in the meantime.
pat, the question of driver software development vs car hardware development is much larger than just about you and what you want to do to your particular car. you are most definitely not the only enthusiast who's run into this. it's so easy to think that you're in control, or at least be somewhat comfortable with being out of control now & then. this is natural part of the learning curve!
this discussion is NOT about you being a raisin driver with too many mods on the car. you've obviously thought things through pretty thoroughly and have a goal in mind. my point is, don't neglect your own development as a driver in the process of making your car faster. you can only teach yourself so much, and then you need input from the outside.
many of the techniques of managing a turbo AWD car at the edges of adhesion---whether on tarmac, gravel, snow/ice or a dragstrip--are counter-intuitive and are best learned in controlled conditions. believe me it's cheaper and safer that way.
my race team partner and I started rallying years ago. the time and money we spent for driver training early on was hands-down the most cost-effective route to better results. more consistent finishes. fewer crashes, less mechanical trouble etc etc. we are now a self-funded team who builds our own rally cars and are competitive at a national level, regulalrly spanking teams with much more lavish budgets. we have a lot of experience, and are pleased to share. if people want to listen, fine. if not, they will go their own route and learn their own way.
relax, there's no need to be defensive and feel attacked. Shorty is right, I've often been after ppl on this board to remember their own training as drivers while they are working to mod their cars. you are not getting singled out for special treatment!
one thing we always say at the driving school'--"we can teach you good techniques, but we CAN'T teach you good judgement." that part is up to you.