everything must go


Well-known member
Traded my impreza tonight, selling off most of the stuff I had for it

Weather tech floor liners, front only. Paid around 110, $70

2 sets factory aero cross bars, one set just bars, $20, one set has 2 Thule bike carriers, $125

Snows on steelies, already pending Inski but just in case, 195-65-15 Goodyear ultra grip winter, 2/3 tread, maybe $200

Kenwood 350w amp, bridgeable with ma audio 8" sub in custom box, $75 together

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can u post or send pic of crossbars please? any idea of their fitment? looking for my 2010 forester

Think the bars only fit gd wagons, pm me your number and I'll text a pic

Inski changed his mind on the winter wheels/tires, $200 with lugnuts

Also havea cosmo racing cold air intake. I only used the piece off three throttle body and maf adapter, half of it I painted flat black. 2 brand new silicone couplers, no air filter, $50

Also, bucket O'wiring. Some from the Hellas, some from reverse lights to my trailer, and the wiring to the amp. Pick it over or take it all. RCA cable got stretched, might still be ok/offers

Pictures later

Can't find the fork Skewers for the bike racks, I know you can buy them separately, /best offer on them

Also have: 2 Blazer trapezoidal pattern lights, rectangular with built in stone guard thing, used as fogs, $20

Rally flaps, they're an enlarged copy of a copy of a rally armor basic. Have most of the mounting hardware, best offer or corona

Bump for good stuff taking up space in my tiny garage. See something you want but I'm asking too much? Don't be afraid to low ball me as long as you'll cone pick stuff up

Price update

Bucket of wires: $5 or corona there's a whole amp wiring Kit plus a bunch of 14ga

Cross bars $15

Cross bars with bike racks$75 (half what one rack cost)

Flaps: one big slam of mountain dew

Cold air intake $45, any less and I'll keep it for the $40 in couplers I just bought for it

Amp and sub for $40

Weather tech floor liners for 50

Tires still at 200 with lug nuts

I don't want to put this shiz in uncle Henrys, most of this is dirt cheap

I bought front only. I was very impressed by them, and plan on buying a set for the truck once some of this stuff sells. Specifically the snows

Also have used K&N filter should be 02-07 all impreza chassis, $20 obo


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