Exclusive Meet - Saturday February 25th

If people want to come a little early, any time around 11 would be fine, with the intent to eat about noonish. As far as donations; we thought if anyone does donate we would use them to have a 50/50 drawing, with the club getting 1/2 (to go toward our Every Penny Counts Fund) and 1/2 to a lucky attendee. The main thing is to gather and enjoy. Because of our schedules, it would be hard for Lauri and I to make many mid-week meetings so we thought this would be a way to meet some other Subie-folk.

I'll be there of course

I am in +1 now. may be a little late, running down to portland with my buddy to drop of his bike he sold(m109r....thing is a beast!!) and then back to gardner for the meet. I will see you guys saturday!!

I hope we can make it with both cars,but the weather is going to be a super suck....I have to go in at 7am tomorrow,there til the roads are good to go and the snow is done. Last I saw was 10am on Sat...my math says that's 27 hours of driving a truck. If it lasts that long,I may stop in before I go home(its only 2 mins from my garage on 126) but I will be a zombie....

was a good meet everyone! Good food, and a movie about Group B rally in the 80's which was pretty cool, all except Garrett kept trying to hold my hand the whole time
. We should do meets like this more often!

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was a good meet everyone! Good food, and a movie about Group B rally in the 80's which was pretty cool, all except Garrett kept trying to hold my hand the whole time
. We should do meets like this more often!
Yeah he's a little different like that lol
I wanted to make it to this, but I'm a little busy in the hospital!
