Fall Group Drive 2013 - Back To The White Mountains!

Ya the one on Lewiston rd. Rt 126 and 9 I believe.

Ya I'll plan on a 7:00 show up and a 7:30 roll out
I'll rally up with you guys there. I've been waiting for this since the spring drive got cancelled!!

Still kind of new to the area though...whats the simplest way to find this service area coming from Winthrop?

I'll drive my tur-po rangah and race Mikey's Supra the whole time. There's some motivation, challenge from a turbo Ford. Just kidding.

I'll be there in the Forester I believe. My girlfriend may be along, nobody on here has met her but going on 5 years together so I guess she should get to know everyone...

Just swapped transmissions in my Wagon, I finally got one that works, long story. I fixed a few other stupid things. I may even get an alignment before then but I'm ready to rock! Point me to the fast group.

Anyone from around the midcoast wanna go on up? Is there anyone meeting in augusta then going to windjam?

Anyone from auburn Lewiston gray area wanna meet in gray and ride to Windham?

Anyone from auburn Lewiston gray area wanna meet in gray and ride to Windham?

Was thinking us capitol area folks was meeting the northern folks at the Gardiner service area right at the 95/295 split. That still the plan, northern/ Bangor area crowd?

I'll drive my tur-po rangah and race Mikey's Supra the whole time. There's some motivation, challenge from a turbo Ford. Just kidding.

I'll be there in the Forester I believe. My girlfriend may be along, nobody on here has met her but going on 5 years together so I guess she should get to know everyone...
If I get the Legacy all done we can cruise it up?


I'll drive my tur-po rangah and race Mikey's Supra the whole time. There's some motivation, challenge from a turbo Ford. Just kidding. I'll be there in the Forester I believe. My girlfriend may be along, nobody on here has met her but going on 5 years together so I guess she should get to know everyone...

If I get the Legacy all done we can cruise it up?
YEP! Lisha said she doesn't want to go so we can take leggy or forester idc which.

Hopefully some of you show this time. I went back in May as I remember everyone was afraid it might rain. Oh no my car got dirty. I'll probably be there with a car load of people.

It wasn't about getting dirty... More about visibility!

Don't forget a lunch people and being radios.

I'd rather not be rear ended but anyways..... Seems like it'll be a good turnout. Don't forget warm clothes. It'll be chilly up there.


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