Fall Group Drive 2014!!

Which weekend do you prefer? Can choose one or the other or both.

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I recommend TC Collision on the Old Bath Road in West Bath. He isn't subaru/import specialized but does really nice work. He shouldn't be that far from you.

Thanks for the fun drive. Unfortunately about 10 minutes from home I got rear ended at a traffic light. It was not my fault and there was a witness on the side of the road that made sure the policeman knew this so I should be covered by insurance. The damages are bad and if they don't assess it as totaled I'll need some pretty major repairs. Can anyone recommend me to a trusted body shop? Preferably one that specializes in subies/imports? Mine was the GBP 2015 WRX. Thanks for any help.
Thanks for the fun drive. Unfortunately about 10 minutes from home I got rear ended at a traffic light. It was not my fault and there was a witness on the side of the road that made sure the policeman knew this so I should be covered by insurance. The damages are bad and if they don't assess it as totaled I'll need some pretty major repairs. Can anyone recommend me to a trusted body shop? Preferably one that specializes in subies/imports? Mine was the GBP 2015 WRX. Thanks for any help.
need a dislike button for that...was it a hard hit, or just everything collapsed in? Hope you're alright, cars can always be replaced.

yeah, but all the previous times it has been a civic!!(once Chris's buddy's white hatch car broke an axle, and the black si coupe was rear-ended)

need a dislike button for that...was it a hard hit, or just everything collapsed in? Hope you're alright, cars can always be replaced.
The mini-van behind me hit me at probably 30-40 mph and the car crumpled on both sides but mostly the back. Luckily everyone in all three cars was alright. The car took the brunt of the force and my friend and I didn't experience any whiplash as far as we can tell. My car's in the shop and I should get her back in a few weeks -- hopefully very close to original condition.

I got rear ended the other week while stopped at a light too. The light turned green and the guy in front of me stalled his car. Woman behind me just saw the light turn green and decided to start moving. Cracked my bumper, ruined the hatch, and bent the body of the car behind the bumper, 1/4 panels are pushed in too. All on her insurance. I might push for a diminished value claim, as you should too, Derek. These cars will never sell for their book values again.

She goes into Moody's in SoPo Nov 10th... fingers crossed they can match the damn paint :/

I got rear ended the other week while stopped at a light too. The light turned green and the guy in front of me stalled his car. Woman behind me just saw the light turn green and decided to start moving. Cracked my bumper, ruined the hatch, and bent the body of the car behind the bumper, 1/4 panels are pushed in too. All on her insurance. I might push for a diminished value claim, as you should too, Derek. These cars will never sell for their book values again.

She goes into Moody's in SoPo Nov 10th... fingers crossed they can match the damn paint :/
Really sorry to hear that. Yes I was planning on filing a diminished value claim given that the repairs on this accident alone cost more than a third of the price I got it at a few months ago. I also have mine at Moody's but at the one in Portland. Best of luck to you.

Thanks for the fun drive. Unfortunately about 10 minutes from home I got rear ended at a traffic light. It was not my fault and there was a witness on the side of the road that made sure the policeman knew this so I should be covered by insurance. The damages are bad and if they don't assess it as totaled I'll need some pretty major repairs. Can anyone recommend me to a trusted body shop? Preferably one that specializes in subies/imports? Mine was the GBP 2015 WRX. Thanks for any help.
RIP WRX 2015-2014

No but seriously that sucks that thing was so nice.  Good luck

So I went to upload photos and discovered that my camera cord is actually at home...
This being said, the photos will be up this coming weekend. My apologies. I thought the cord was in my camera case, like everything else.

Thanks for the fun drive. Unfortunately about 10 minutes from home I got rear ended at a traffic light. It was not my fault and there was a witness on the side of the road that made sure the policeman knew this so I should be covered by insurance. The damages are bad and if they don't assess it as totaled I'll need some pretty major repairs. Can anyone recommend me to a trusted body shop? Preferably one that specializes in subies/imports? Mine was the GBP 2015 WRX. Thanks for any help.
Any update on your car?

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If anyone has pictures from the drive still please post them on here. I'm working on a video. I'm using some shots I took with my gopro, if anyone else happened to take video as well I will try to work that in. I'm keeping it all tasteful and with legal content. If you posted pictures that I could get in full resolution then I already have them.

I cannot believe I never uploaded these!!! Definitely have been wicked busy this whole year! Car Meets and group drives, and college classes, and college athletics, and work! It's been crazy! I fully apologize! I will find these photos and get them up ASAP!

I'm really not sure if we're going to have a fall group drive or not. The biggest problem is the time. I'm very limited this fall due to needing surgery in a couple weeks, and needing to get stuff done before hand. And I'm pretty sure the other mods aren't able to take on the task either. I'm thinking there will be one in the spring for sure, and a fall one next year as well. It's been a little difficult getting everything sorted this fall due to changes in the club, and who's running things. But we're really trying to plan things that everyone can attend, and will be doing even more in the future!!

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