Fall group drive, October 23rd!

picked up 30 dogs and 20 burgers with all the buns for them. says it will be around 2 hours to get there from here so im planning on getting there around 1130-12 ish. We just meeting up in like the sunday river parking lot when you guys get done the ride? Need to know where to meet you or someones number I can call when I get there so I can hook up with everyone?

Awesome! I got the grill going tonight, were good to go. Be there at like 1230ish, I'm expecting delays on the route. Meet at the south ridge parking lot. My number is 207-212-1525 for anyone that needs it. Bring walkie talkies, channel 1.0.

K. Last minute decision. . . I'm in. Need an extra grill? And what can I bring. It'll be two subies and the Therrien brothers. Should be fun!

I want a walkie talkie

I'm awake. I love how days I know I need to be up early I still go out the night before. I'll never learn. See you kids there, can't wait

im about to head out just giving the car a blast of hot water down at the good ol car wash and ill be otw. I also grabbed my stand up tent and 5 chairs (all I had)

Great drive today, great to see all of you, sorry I'm so, if you're asking yourself if I was even there, I was the 2008 silver wagon with the loud(er) exhaust. Lot of fun, I'll be looking forward to seeing everyone again and maybe next time I'll actually talk. I attached a pic of my car when the tree fell on it, a few people were talking about it this morning, feel free to look me up on facey spacey, www.facebook.com/wrxtuner8225304_1367707600846_1476380259_968467_4846658_n.jpg

good time as usual....I clocked 297 miles round trip and 3/4 tank of fuel.....ive got a video of justins car uploading....up in a few


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