Fall group drive, October 23rd!

Ferrah got some amazing pictures of the meet, couple really good ones of some of the individual cars. Ill post them up once shes done going through them and editing.



Me thinks ignition problem, bad ground. Don't think its fueling, because you can smell it out of the tailpipe.

Alright so my pics are coming soon.

I met with a few guys in Lewiston in the morning, and had a smooth drive to Bethel, a sign of good things to come. When we got to Bethel and it was a miniSubie invasion, every gas station had Subarus lined up, it was pretty sweet. Everyone got to Sunday River on time and we headed off to Rangeley. Route 26 was nice, especially the NH part. 16 got pretty rough, my Legacy didn't like that at all. After being stuck behind Massholes forever, we hit nice payment back in Rangeley. After a quick pee break, we headed back to Bethel. 17 was my favorite road of the whole day, brand new pavement and amazing curves. I had a blast. (FUUUUUUUUUUU YOU MINIVANS!!!) We made it back to Bethel and headed off to a picnic area after picking up a few more Subarus.

We cooked up some burgers, hotdogs, and steak subs and had a little bbq. Thanks for bringing food everyone!!! After a few minutes we realized the Civic was missing, ooops. Turns out some kid in Jeep rear ended him in Rumford. Pretty crappy situation, the Civic was very clean. In all we had around 30 cars. Everyone was very well behaved, we didn't get turned around at all. It was the smoothest group drive I've ever been on. Oh and it didn't rain! Crazy!

We all went our separate ways, and Justin and I headed down to Lewiston. As soon as we get to Auburn, I hit fuel cut. It didn't sputter, just died, no power at all. I pulled into Mac's Grill and tried to start it. It would crank and crank but wouldn't turn over. We did get it started eventually and it seemed to run fine. I took off fine, and then about a 1/4 mile down the road it died again. No power. So I called a tow and brought it back to my house. It'll sit there until I can get it down to Mikes. It'll probably get all of Mikes POOP while it's down there. No big loss I guess. The guy who towed my car loved it. He took so much care of it loading and unloading it, wicked nice guy. Gotta recommend Don's towing in Auburn if you ever break down around there. Cheap too. Thanks for the ride Justin!

My favorite part of the drive:

As soon as we started on 26 this old lady leaf peeper spotted my car rippin by. She gave me the dirtiest look I've ever seen. Mouth open in digust. Little did she know there were 30 more Subarus behind me

Pics to come.

I'm glad to hear you were in L/A area when your car developed problems, Garrett. At least you didn't have to have it trucked from S.Paris or something.


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