Feb 8th Team Oneil course! Wanna join?!


New member
So I am planning to attend the winter course by Team O'Neil this Feb 8th: Winter course.

I haven't booked it yet (waiting for after xmas), but thought it would be really nice to get a mainely group to go. I know lots have expressed interest in the past but it is expensive and we all have other priorities and all...

So posting this to see if anyone wants to join in on some fun!

Reply if you can join! The more the merrier. 

More info here: http://teamoneil.mycustomevent.com/

winter driving course? i did it a few years ago, its a ton of fun and you learn sooooo much. i got scolded for being too sideways too often though

I see on another forum I won't mention they had it for 150 I'd jump on that in heart beat I'm Sure many would as well

Me too! It is quite expensive as it is without adding gas $ there and back...
I'd love for it to even be half that price... Maybe the more we go the better deal we can get?

Maybe down the road there can b a partnership between mainely & team O'Neill so that members can learn skills driving at reasonable price and O'Neil gets a source of income
seems like a win/win to me...just an idea...

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Have taught @ O'Neils' since 2002. Been trying to get MS members to go since the club got started back in 2008. Despite significant discounts being offered and lots of work by a couple of MS members, the club has simply not stepped up to support the program and invest in improving their driving skills.

Dunno how many members MS has, but since 2008 there have been MAYBE a half-dozen members actually make the commitment. Not teaching there myself this winter for a variety of reasons, but all I can say is, you guys don't know what you're missing.

A day at O'Neil's isn't just hooning around in a parking lot with a couple cOnes in the way. The school has real-live classrooms, multi-media teaching equipment, multiple garages, carefully groomed course and roads, and a truly professional teaching staff. Their winter driving program has been honed over many years and teaches you stuff that can actually save your bacon out there on winter roads among the clueless masses. This stuff costs money guys.

That speaks volume abt the team Nigel and i appreciate your input. It speaks volume about the team and its goals.

I don't know abt the history b/t mainely & team O'Neil as i am a new mbr and i am mostly expressing how it would totally make sense for Subaru owners (especially) to take such courses and benefit from such offers.

My skepticism says there is a slight to none chance that anyone here will commit but I feel it is important to create opportunities (such as this) and open it up to all... Just in case.

I hope I didn't offend anyone about the discount piece, its mostly wishful thinking

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They've had discounts in the past and barely anyone has actually followed through.  What's most people's insurance deductible, $500, $1000?  This class has the potential to save you big $$$ and grief in avoided accidents and loss of life etc... if you approach it with an open mind.  Addtionally, I see people put tons of money into mods on car after car, but never actually pony up the (rather small amount) of funds to attend a driving course like this.  Driving instruction is hands down the BEST "mod" you can buy.  You can have the most setup car in the world, but if you can't control it exactly how you'd like, what's the fun in that?

Ryanr - agreed. I was talking to a fellow mbr not to long ago that the car has more power than i am comfortable with/used to (and i have no shame in admitting it) and that i really need to learn how to harness it in order to fully appreciate the car. AND that is just stage 1 tune! Hahahaha

That's where team oneil comes into play for me. Im not the guy who likes to go in a straight line but enjoys twisties and handling prowess... stock wrx power is plenty enough, just need to learn how to work with it now!

As you indicated in your previous post, Last year Nigel was able to offer a mainely discount, but i simply couldn't afford it. Ive been saving since with the goal of doing the winter course this year and i'm hoping that the discount might still be applicable this year. Sadly, in this economy, every little piece counts unless u are part of those fortunate enough... right now, i aint

I'm going no matter what!
But it'd be more fun to share such an experience with fellow subaru enthousiasts!!

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Well signed up!!!!

So for anyone who hesitated, team oneil has a ‘local' discount that is essentially ($100) off the price, so it ends up being $399! But you gotta call to get it.

Come on peeps!! 3 spots left for Feb 8th!! Let's represent MS!!!

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yeah I'm really psyched! Sucks we can't get more MS mbrs to join. It's one of those events that I feel would help in increasingg the sense of community between members... but such is life and this is only 1 of I hope many more opportunities!

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Ferrari ride , how long at the wheel, mebbe 3 laps?

Team O day means 3-4 hours in the car @ speed w/instruction, bring yer brain cuz you gonna neeeed it.

It was 5 laps, and I use instructor very loosely here.  Its sort of irrelevant because its 2000 miles away too..

If it were after tax season id definitely jump in. Sounds like a blast.

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