Final mode for the Redline Wagon

Have I mentioned Hawt Wagon J?!!!?

I look forward to seeing it again at SL. I'll have my own RS seats this year.

Are you running in STS?

How much "power" or "grunt" is their to gain from a STi AB? Don't you have to have the flange rotated? Would it be better/easier/gain more power to find a cat-back that fits your car(or any GC), that you could put on yourself?

You really notice the gains of a cat-back once you go back to stock and find how much torque you don't have.

Well you are correct. It's just difficult to find a well priced piece for my budget. Thoughts?

I've got a 100 mile old STI AB that I paid $125 for. If I can unload that for $100 I'll be happy.

Indeed, an exhaust on a budget is not easy. You just have to hope to find a deal on a used one or plan to pay around $500.00.

This place has stromung exhausts at consistent prices.

It's worth the $500.00 if you can save for it And in the mean time just drill some holes in your muffler, she'll growl! >
