First 2012 Northerners Meet January 27

The notice of MMA being closed for the day just went out. That means I am leaving Castine at about 8 and I will be home around 11. Rob, I will get your speakers to you at some point. I'm sure I will need to drive up that way.

Good meet! Got to see some new faces(ntippet and ceedubya), and Tim I played in the slush on the way back. My god, the puddles were so big.

this was a great meet! plenty of table space lol. Nice meeting ntippet and ceedubya as well. Next time we'll do Hero's sports grill, although we can never go wrong with Beef O Brady's!

ok now someone pick a date for the next one. a date that I am going to be around would be nice

I'll get one set up....plan on it being the 24th of this month. I'll call around to see what we can do, and I'll try to get Hero's...I'm calling today
