Fresh Dave's 2007 XT Sport

Just a piece of 2" angle iron that I bolted to the top two inside bumper beam bolts which made it very sturdy

installed my basket during lunch today. 


haven't updated this in a while since i've had no money to throw at it. However I did manage to grab an agency power 50/50 bov that I will be installing tonight.

on another note, i entered in my first car show ever. Didn't win anything but I had fun and the fozzie got lots of attention there! here's a cool pic that Turn Key photography snapped of her. There was only two other foresters there that day 


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Not much going on with the fozzie right now since I'm trying to find a beater for the winter. I'd like to keep the paint nice on the forester and keep the miles as low as possible so it doesn't have 160k on it when i pay it off...

Plans for winter/spring:

Hi Beam HID's

Fogs behind grill

Hellas (not because they look cool, but because my horns sound like chevy horns......)

Rotate Flange on axelback to fit my exhaust right.

I would also like to find a more agressive looking wheel and run beefier tires.

If you could find a set of gold bbs's I think those would look awesome. I've always been partial to the wrb/gold look.

If you could find a set of gold bbs's I think those would look awesome. I've always been partial to the wrb/gold look.
some one wants to trade me a set of grids the same size as the ones in that picture, they were hyper black but it started chipping so now they are in primer so If I get them I will paint them some color. not sure yet

the gold doesn't look too bad either. Hard decision, not sure if I want to have to paint the wheels or not, but on the other hand I'm trading up a size and getting a wider wheel than what I have. So its a win for specs.


the gold doesn't look too bad either. Hard decision, not sure if I want to have to paint the wheels or not, but on the other hand I'm trading up a size and getting a wider wheel than what I have. So its a win for specs.


Do this, or I'll hate you forever, or I'll make one myself.


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