Freshly stanced BRAT !!!


fat kid
so I went out for a little trail ride this evening in the brat and got some fresh new stance action goin on. im just glad I got out of the woods before it happend.







lat pic was taken about 40 minutes before. luckily it didnt break till I was about 1/4 mile outa the woods.


yup ! I know. only its 4th time out in the woods. drove about a mile in , mile out , rocky muddy trail. not nearly rough enough to break anything. but add some hidden rust and viola 25 year old rusty metal breaks. hopefully I can find a replacment.

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Yeah it's just the control arm. Gonna have to find another one. Any 4WD EA81 control arm will fit, so put up a wanted ad on USMB. Did you hit anything hard? I know I took it wheeling plenty of times, but it never broke.

I saw that on USMB, but didn't realize it was you!! I thought of the BRAT though, because Jason was over to do brakes at one point and I remember saying "damn, that outer end of the control arm looks rusty".

Yeah it's just the control arm. Gonna have to find another one. Any 4WD EA81 control arm will fit, so put up a wanted ad on USMB. Did you hit anything hard? I know I took it wheeling plenty of times, but it never broke.

naw I didnt hit anything particularly (cant spell) hard. im just glad it didnt happen while doing 60 down the road. now im gunna go over the entire friggen thing before I drive it again. I dont need anything else breaking lik that. maybe its time to de-lower it. lol

I saw that on USMB, but didn't realize it was you!! I thought of the BRAT though, because Jason was over to do brakes at one point and I remember saying "damn, that outer end of the control arm looks rusty".

I was just about to send you a message asking if you wanted to hit up some trails lol. the trail I was on was PEANUTS compared to the dirt drive. this thing had to have been rusted out to break.

I was just about to send you a message asking if you wanted to hit up some trails lol. the trail I was on was PEANUTS compared to the dirt drive. this thing had to have been rusted out to break.
Dirt drive wasn't off-roading, it was on roads that were dirt... Off-roading in my book is going over rocks and through mud puddles and stuff.

But when you get it fixed, I'd be up for some off road action for sure! This is a good example of why you go with someone.

While your under there fixing one side I would look at the other and check it out. Better to fix it before it breaks. If it broke crawling along a decent trail I can't imagine what a pothole at 60 would have done.

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If you want help replacing that arm when you get it, give me a holler. Also, for the back wheel bearing look in the manual section of USMB, I wrote up a big long post on how to replace those.

That arm has been like that for 10 years. That is my only point. It has not gotten any worse over that time. I have kept it clean, and oiled it religiously. I'm sure it wasn't as strong as it once was, but it has held up for me since '03. Oh well, get a new arm, and then take care of it!!

It could be worse... the whole end of the rear tube could snap off. haha. Caused pretty much the same thing as you have there, except in a different way that's a way bigger pita to fix.

Yeah, that's actually what I thought was broken when he sent me the text last night, luckily it's not!

Yeah, that's actually what I thought was broken when he sent me the text last night, luckily it's not!
ya, because at least on my car it's just a fixed tube. Breaking the torsion bar on the BRAT would be more annoying, I'd think.

Yep it would be, but not bad if just the insides broke, then you could just install EA82 rear coilover struts in place of the torsion bar. But the tube itself would suck if it broke
