FS: 2006 Subaru STI 63xxx miles

LOL, yea kind of. I have two have a atleast a 2 car garage attached to the house. With master bedroom and almost everything on the first floor. With a house that is not located on a dirt road. lol.

Also, just got a call from a guy that lives in MA he also owns a house here in Maine he is coming by Saturday to look at the car. He say it on autotrader. He seems pretty interested. We shall see.

Um, 350K is a mighty-beeeg casa.

In this case, it's about priorities, you can easily get

a ridiculous ($400k fire sale) house for $300K right now, easily,

& no need to sell your car.

It's no fun to live in a nice house, and drive a toilet.

Tell her you cannot afford to sell the car, you'll lose too much

money, overall- You won't be lying.


Stixxx is right and seriously dude? I mean that is just retarded.... your buying a 350k house and you cant afford to look at a 300k house and keep your car? What fun is a 2 car garage with a tdi parked in there? I bought a 150k house so I could afford a nice car too. My girlfriend is also broke which gives her about ... no say in the matter

I would rather own a really nice house then own a half assed place that is not 100% what the wife and I want, with a hot car. Its not the end of the world for me I will get a nice house then down the road sometime step back into a performance car.

Some of you its so easy to say hey screw that man keep the car and get, a cheaper place. Because most of you don't have a wife. So..... Of course its easy. If I were single I would snatch up a $150k house in a heartbeat and keep the car. But, I am almost 29 years old and time to get a place to call my own that I am going to be happy with.

The car is a money pit. Not just my car all cars are money pits. You don't buy a car looking to flip it and make a profit. If I buy a nice house now when the market is hurting when the market comes back around I will have something. If I buy a car when the market is not hot then in 5 years sell the car. I am still out crap tons of money.

So for now I will go car less for awhile then look at a new play toy.

I'm married and have been looking for a house on and off for a couple years. There is just so many places out there that are very large, have no issues, and have a garage and land for less than 200k. I guess it's probably different in the city, but that's how it is up this way

Pretty much if you want a really nice place around here without having to throw a ton of money into it after you buy it you are looking at spending a min. of $250-$300k. We have found a place we like but hopefully it stays on the market long enough to get it. If not I could buy some land then have my uncle build us a house.

I'm 100' off of Sebago Lake, in a gorgeous house with WAY over 2000 ft2, a 2-car garage and 1.7 acres, with water views & lake access for me and my kayak... And, I did it for under $300K, & that was back BEFORE the economy went into the crapper.

Right now you can be ON Little Sebago Lake for $350K, fer' God's sake, bro!!

IMO $350K is pissed away if spent on Topsham (or L/A) personal- housing real estate-

Neither are going up, ANY time soon...

Fwiw, I held a Maine real estate license for a while, & have lots of friends in the biz, so I'm not blindly speculating...

Keep... The... Car.


My house is a money pit. I'm not a big fan of the new tdi's. If I hadn't wasted all my money on a new gti in 08...

I would keep the car

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hey i'm kinda interested in this, i'd like to check it out.. i had a TR a little while back then went to a Trailblazer SS and just the gas MPG suck and its kinda a little outta my price range, so i'm looking at cheaper car payments..when would be a good time to check this out?


Bump up just lowered price to $19,000. I am now $100 below the mid rate for the car and $1300 below the Excellant rate for the car.

Plus, you get all the extras. Someone could get a super awsome deal here.

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Im really interested in this car my friend just checked it out and now Im looking to sell my car and get a loan for this bad boy but Im going to see if i get approved first.

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If you moved from southern maine you could get the same quality house for WAYYY less.... Keep the car and still have a nice house....

Ok not trying to be rude here but the house thing is done. Like I need to start a new thread of something. I have made my decision on not keeping the car so lets drop anything about a house.

thanks everyone.


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