Fun places to drive in Rangeley?


New member
Evening gents,

One of my friends has a family house up in Rangeley, and we're planning a little trip sometime in late august, and again during skiing season. Anyone got recommendations for some fun twisty roads to drive on? If that's a bit out of the question, what about nice scenic routes that has a decent speed limit?

Thanks, and be sure to honk a bit if you see a silver WRX hatch around the area later this year!


Either would be outstanding, though I would love to try some dirt! Thanks Justin!

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best bet is rangelyrally_dg, Iboc_C64 or ray. All those are screen names of people in the area, that prefer dirt :-)

I have a one word answer...


If you want paved excitement...The Height of the Land is a great drive

Dirt; Bemis Rd to Upper Dam Rd...? That's a good stretch out there, but bound to be lots of tourists this time of year....


Rte 16 E to Stratton. Rte 27N to Canadian border. Watch for Border Patrol.

Rte 16W out of Oquossoc to New Hampshire line. Freshly re-paved.

Rte 17E from Oquossoc to Mexico. Mostly re-paved about a year ago.


Morton Cut Off Rd to T intersection. Right on "Tim Pond Rd". Drive that to Eustis. Return on 27Sto Stratton. 16W to Rangeley.

Go to stratton, head N on 27 to Kibby Camp/King & Bartlett Rd. (on the right) Dirt rd for several miles to the outlet of Flagstaff Lake. Then (as I remember) it turns to rough pavement and dirt sections to North New Portland. Get on 16W to Kingfield. From Kingfield, you can go to Phillips and then back to Rangeley OR fron Kingfield to Stratton, to Rangeley.

Bemis Track to Shelton's Trail. That will take you to South Arm, where you can go to Andover, then Rumford, then Rangeley.

Get a Maine Atlas & Gazeteer.

Awesome, those answers are exactly the kind I was looking for. Thank you very much for your time and insight gents!

puh-leez KEEP OFF stage roads for New England Forest Rally. Even if well-intended, hoonage on these roads (most of which go thru active logging areas) would likely jeopardize the rally's continued access to them.

so if you're exploring back roads in Rangely, do a lil research first to make sure you don't screw things up for the rally community.

that is all.


Rte 16 E to Stratton. Rte 27N to Canadian border. Watch for Border Patrol.

Rte 16W out of Oquossoc to New Hampshire line. Freshly re-paved.

Rte 17E from Oquossoc to Mexico. Mostly re-paved about a year ago.


Morton Cut Off Rd to T intersection. Right on "Tim Pond Rd". Drive that to Eustis. Return on 27Sto Stratton. 16W to Rangeley.

Go to stratton, head N on 27 to Kibby Camp/King & Bartlett Rd. (on the right) Dirt rd for several miles to the outlet of Flagstaff Lake. Then (as I remember) it turns to rough pavement and dirt sections to North New Portland. Get on 16W to Kingfield. From Kingfield, you can go to Phillips and then back to Rangeley OR fron Kingfield to Stratton, to Rangeley.

Bemis Track to Shelton's Trail. That will take you to South Arm, where you can go to Andover, then Rumford, then Rangeley.

Get a Maine Atlas & Gazeteer.
Johnny has them all mostly, I know of some good roads but not by name, and could probably only find them in the dark
Let me know when you are in the area. Im there most weekends and work there all week. Ill show you around for sure!

puh-leez KEEP OFF stage roads for New England Forest Rally. Even if well-intended, hoonage on these roads (most of which go thru active logging areas) would likely jeopardize the rally's continued access to them.

so if you're exploring back roads in Rangely, do a lil research first to make sure you don't screw things up for the rally community.

that is all.
this x1000000000000000

Thanks a lot guys, I'll do some more research and find out which roads to keep off so I won't screw over any of the gents here. Are there any nice open areas so I can try a few J-turns/powerslides in the snow without breaking the law/endangering the local populance?

I really appreciate the offer Ray, I'll definitely hit you up when I'm up!

Also, does anyone here run all seasons during the winter? I have a set of Kumho Ecsta 4x's, and I'm wondering if that'll be good enough for the kind of weather where you guys are.

Thanks a lot guys, I'll do some more research and find out which roads to keep off so I won't screw over any of the gents here. Are there any nice open areas so I can try a few J-turns/powerslides in the snow without breaking the law/endangering the local populance?

I really appreciate the offer Ray, I'll definitely hit you up when I'm up!

Also, does anyone here run all seasons during the winter? I have a set of Kumho Ecsta 4x's, and I'm wondering if that'll be good enough for the kind of weather where you guys are.
Tons of places!

and meh, the all seasons will be ok and just that. Get some dedicated winters, you will love your car even more in the snow!

People spend all sorts of money on doo dads and dress up stuff. The best investment hands down for a subaru is a good tire and rim collection. They're cheap money and give you so much. I have lots of stories involving me + I95 + abusing the left lane during snow storms. It's like cheat codes for winter!

a few weeks back a bunch of us were able to make it from 16 stratton side to 16 Erroll side on all dirt roads! lots of fun dirt roads out there. the only thing is there no one out there who will pull you from a ditch

Coming up tomorrow! Can't wait to check out the dirt roads you guys have

I'll remember to stay off the stage roads and not ruin it for the rally folks. 

Hows the 93 situation right now? Still only have 91?


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