general maintenance??


New member
Hello Techs.

I have an '04 WRX Wagon with 53k on it. I imagine it's due for some sort of tune up, I'm thinking that I should change the differential fluid as well as the trans gear fluid - but do I need to change the timing belt yet? Most dealerships reccommend changing it at 60k and I'm just wondering if its necessary to do the belt, pully's and water pump.

What is your opinion and knowledge? Is there anything else I should do? When do spark plugs need to be changed? I've had the car for 20k and I've just rotated tires/regular oil changes/air filter.. I just really don't know much abuot cars and that's why I'm here. To hopefully be helped by you wise folks. I've also been told that "Joel" of Evergreen Subaru is a great resource. Can you send me a message if you read this?

Thanks again!!!


We need to have a tech day soon. General Maintanence and what nots. If people are willing to lend a hand. We could make it a party, bring food and what not.

hell ya. i can't fix cars but i can fix hunger.
I'll try to fix most anything but I usually fix hunger w/ McDonald's or equivalent fast food.

I'd be down for a garage day.

we should have a garage long as there is a HEATED space to do so. i can bring tools, jack and some stands.

and a box of parts to get on my car.

i still need to install my uppipe and my cobb pulley. the catless DP can wait.

yeah it is two bays! im down with that. i have a electric space heater but its barely big enough to warm a room.

if some one has a big kero heater or something we could be in business. even if there is no heat..being out of hte elements is good enough for me.

at 60K you'll need the rear diff oil changed, trans gear oil changed, spark plugs changed, coolant flush, air filter every 12k. Doing a timing belt at 60k is a good idea, but waiting til 80k, 90k is OK imho. Scoobies are generally easy on timing belts unless you race it a lot.

The "60K service" is a big one. There is a bit of price shock but it does cover a lot of things in one big visit and there is a discount built in for doing it all at once. If some of those items on the 'big 60k service' have recently been done then there is no sense in doing it again so soon, so obviously don't have those done, or peice-meal your 60k service to suit what you need. Talk with your favorite service dept and they can go over it all with you.

Patriot's 60k service for a WRX is

(using all Subaru parts with NGK spark plugs)

spark plugs

air filter

coolant flush with conditioner

computer check

trans flush

front diff flush

rear diff flush

Fuel Injector Flush

steering and suspension check and report

brake inspection and report

tires rotated

tires balanced

pressures adjusted

brake fluid drain and fill

oil and filter change

battery test and report

battery corrosion cleaned and terminals sealed

hoses and belts checked

maintanence inspection to check of any other odd leaks or unusual stuff (broken mirrors, exhaust problems ect ect)

I think that's it, maybe theres more, I cant remember right now.

I'm sure Evergreen's plan is similar

hay inski we do check the lights and road test them too, also we recommend doing a four wheel alignment at that service also.

yep i just did all that stuff for my 60k service. on my 99 >

but i wasn't aware that the front diff had a diffrent fill then the transmission.... i'll have to look next time im under.

i didn't bother with the rear since a LSD is going in a little while.

If somebody brings a big enough heater my garage will be heated
I think my parents have an old kero heater, puts out some good heat, just need to fill it up. This would be a fun time. I would like to learn a few things. help where I can, and maybe get something done too.

oh i'm definately enjoying it. i don't drive it hard either so i know that it will last. i plan on driving this car into the ground so i want to treat it nice. thanks everyone for the help and for that list of what to do for the service!!!


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