Gone Shopping AutoX, June 8th

A few of pics are up at MS, though I cant directly link the site. I hope this can be the exception.

That was an excellent day! Hot as he!! though. The course was challenging and seemed to even out the times. I loved every corner. It was nice to meet Carter and Ben and see everyone. I wish I woulda got a picture of the Wagon Mafia pits.

Great day! Very warm! Was nice to be able to drive again finally....even though I went against doctors orders in doing so. :angel12:

Can't wait for the next one. I wish they would have more at the maine mall. Looks like there's a lot they could do with that parking lot!!



some pics,








remainder at http://s205.photobucket.com/albums/bb264/springpoint01/gone%20shopping/

Ooops looks like i had a cone on my fast run that i didnt know about! I was spaced out in the afternoon...

Peter finally got me! Congrats man! You just keep getting better/faster and i keep getting older and slower.

Ooops looks like i had a cone on my fast run that i didnt know about! I was spaced out in the afternoon...

Peter finally got me! Congrats man! You just keep getting better/faster and i keep getting older and slower.

Hopefully you can do better on your own course next time. :laughing1:

Hopefully you can do better on your own course next time. :laughing1:
Not likely! Last year i made a course and had my worst finish of the year but everyone else liked it. :-P

I was having a good day until i had a mental block form in the afternoon. It happens to me a lot still and just goes to show that i'm not one of the better drivers for that reason. I'm kind of like the Richard Burns of auto-x. I'm not all that impressive at any one event, but over the course of a season I do pretty well.

Even though it was really hot.. I made it through the day alright. It was a great time. The new suspension which I finished putting in at 1am sunday morning seemed to work well :thumbsup:
