Greetings! New member here

Hey brother! You made it. I tossed the card on your door. Glad you signed up!
Hey! Did you enjoy your loaf experience on weds? That was my first day up of the season i was loving it!

Do you go up often?

welcome! I love those rims!!!
Thanks! they are MB's i believe, came on the car when i bought it. My buddy painted them "phantom grey" and it came out great!

nice pics, good to see a Rex at its designed ride height and not all slammed.

wheel travel FTW!

...and ooh ooh luv dem studded snows. you are set to grab freshies at the Loaf when the others are stuck at home.
Yea i guess i dont mind the wheel gap too much, i think it looks terrible in pictures tho haha. Im excited to get the coils installed, i think im going to go with BBS CH reps 18x8.5 +35 w/ 245 35 Direzza star specs for my summer set up. If it looks anything like im picturing in my head, should be a nasty set up. Just trying to be different not a lot of people rock BBS on subies. My other choice would be the rota DPT 17x9 or the torque 17x9... maybe g-forces 18x9? i cant make up my mind!

You a frequent loafer?

Welcome to the site!
Hello! I believe we have met before, I was in once looking to trade my bmw 325ci 2 door last year for a wrx limited wagon. Sometimes i still wish i had gone that route since my TR has NO options on it lol. An aux port would be nice....

i think im going to go with BBS CH reps 18x8.5 +35 w/ 245 35 Direzza star specs for my summer set up. If it looks anything like im picturing in my head, should be a nasty set up. Just trying to be different not a lot of people rock BBS on subies. My other choice would be the rota DPT 17x9 or the torque 17x9... maybe g-forces 18x9? i cant make up my mind!

You a frequent loafer?

yep, Sugarloafer since 1966 (!!). as a kid we used to love riding the upper t-bars solo, the springs were so strong they'd pick you right off the ground. ski mostly backcountry now, not much lift time tho when I do it's usu at teh Loaf

when you do the coilovers, resist urge to lower car much, wheel travel is what makes a Suby drive like a Suby on real roads. lowring a Suby too much and you mights as well have a slammed Honder. hrm...35 series Star SPecs gonna ride like you had solid rubber tires and make those nice BBS very prone to rim damage. Dunno where you drive mostly but 17s might be a much better choice on boinky Maine roads.

I would consider a 40 series on the 18, just worried about rubbing but after googling some pictures of 245 40 it looks good to me! They are bbs reps also, so im only guna be paying around 500 from sonic tuning on nasioc.

As far as ride height I definatly dont want to slam the car, just even up the stance... the front sits so much higher than the rear it bugs me!

less you lower tha car, the better fat tires fit. that dread wheel gap up front is because you need more wheel travel @ heavy end of the car

I don't get up there as much as I used to now that I don't have a season pass. But I do try and make it up on Maine day Wed's when I can. It was cold that day but very relaxing! I felt nearly alone out there.

COUGH.... SADDLEBACK IS BETTER.... COUGH... Dope looking rex mang... (I feel like I see BBS's on subies often but that's just me) Grenade sticker looks pretty sweet... I'm thinking about doing something similar with my ever growing sticker collection after I paint my car next summer... Good to see another wrx getting used for what it was built for (Getting snowboarders to the hill in ANY and ALL conditions)!!!!!!!


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