Group Drive 2012

So, Far northerners, we will meet at Newport Dunkin Donuts at 6:45am, and leave by 7am to meet the rest of the group in auburn.

Matt, can I make a suggestion? The map you have on the original post is for downtown Lewiston. Can we meet at the Park and Ride at exit 75? there will be plenty of parking there for everyone.

Also, BRING WALKIES!!! These are what makes or breaks the drive!! B-)

Yea def. That map was the one from a previous trip. You guys can meet anywhere you want. If you want to lead the group from Bangor down to Lewiston and to windham that would be cool with me.


updated and fixed the map for you Matty

also spelled my username correctly

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I'm meeting WrxJunky & friends at the Irving off the interstate in Augusta.

Time not decided yet.

Also, Craig, dirty jbp and rednissain350z are convoying and possibly going through Augusta.

So we may have a group meeting up in Augusta (to be confirmed)

If anyone wants to meet at Irving in Augusta (or elsewhere), we can all convoy to the next point. reply or pm.

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I'm meeting WrxJunky & friends at the Irving off the interstate in Augusta.

Time not decided yet.

Also, Craig, dirty jbp and rednissain350z are convoying and possibly going through Augusta.

So we may have a group meeting up in Augusta (to be confirmed)

If anyone wants to meet at Irving in Augusta (or elsewhere), we can all convoy to the next point. reply or pm.

those of us stopping in newport won't be stopping in augusta too.....too many stops, gotta get it rolling :-) maybe we'll see you on the highway though!!

Count me in as well. This should be a great intro to the community.

Pretty sure Ill have boxerboost with me as a co-pilot as well.

if it rains or my car rots away before then, i wont be in attendance. or maybe i will hide in the back of Garrett's wagon, it doesn't go very fast, I shouldn't need a seatbelt!

Mmm, 25mm RSB Installed! Snowball loves going for the puckys now! I think I'm almost ready for this drive.
