How old to drive?

An STI for a teen is a bad idea. Hell, me having an STI is a bad idea. I am way more responsible then I was 5-6 years ago and I still catch myself driving like an idiot from time to time. I have had 100+ pullovers that I only walked away from because I knew the officer. Giving a teen an STI, is asking for blemishes on their driving record or worse.

The only exception to my opinion on this is if the teen can afford the car on their own. I have bought everyone of my own vehicles and this made me appreciate them more. If a teen can afford an sti, I don't know how, then by all means let 'em have some fun.

Depends on the kid... If they want to race it on the street then no... if they are trained then yeah... An sti isn't really that fast. Most cars now are close to that fast... A civic can be fast. A talon can be fast... A f350 diesel can be fast...

So its not the car its the driver.

No f'ing WAY!

Kids in STIs = Tradgedy Waiting to Happen.

It's sheer idiocy to give a CHILD a 300hp automobile, and an STI will kill a carload of dumb kids, effortlessly.

No way is any kid going to convince me otherwise, and IMO you should be 25 before you even think about it.

All teen drives SUCK, and that's statistical FACT.

It's a shame that extremely powerful cars are getting affordable to kids.

Any parent that gives their kid an STI best not cry when they wind up DEAD, you may as well hand a retard a gun, barrel first, and try not to wince when they smile & pull the trigger.

Would YOU wince if you saw a carload of teens in an STI on a Friday night, out?

Of course you would-question answered.

This, is not even a valid discussion, imo.

I wouldn't say teens suck at driving. I can handle the rain like last night in the pouring rain on back roads (although it was fairly straight, it was bumpy). I was pissed that the windows all got rolled down while I was inside a friends house (holding the unlock key opens them, and I repaired the unlock key with a new button that sticks out a bit.......). The only thing is that I'm bad at judging things, like whether I should turn left at an intersection as the car opposite me is also turning left. I did it once but then another car tried to zoom past the left-turning car but I was in their way.

Ditto, teen drivers don't suck. I'm a teen driver, I've been driving for 4 years now. So with all that experience I hope I've learned something.

Yep. I also find that driving... fast... makes me pay extra attention. It's when I have passengers and I try not to do any sudden gas/brake/steering adjustments that things don't go as well. I do slow adjustments to make the ride more comfortable to the passengers, but then I end up on the very outside of a turn or I sit on the outside of the lane a little longer than I would if I was driving alone.

I try to be nice to passengers, but there are some back roads that I can't not drive fast on... Like the road I live on, it is only fun when driving 25 over the limit squealing tires around corners

I judge my driving by how happy my passengers are.

Some like fast, some slow. Whatever it takes.

Teen drivers still don't have the part of the brain that comprehends MORTALITY.

"It'll never hapen to me." is a common misjudgement.

I had some kid in a full-of-kids STI offer to street race me in the Old Port.

Great judgement call, I actually stopped and enlightened him, as a public service, as to how f'ing NOT-BRIGHT his idea was.

Kids need to learn the physics of driving, and mature a good bit, before STIs come into the picture, responsibilly

I judge my driving by how happy my passengers are.Some like fast, some slow. Whatever it takes.

Teen drivers still don't have the part of the brain that comprehends MORTALITY.

"It'll never hapen to me." is a common misjudgement.

I had some kid in a full-of-kids STI offer to street race me in the Old Port.

Great judgement call, I actually stopped and enlightened him, as a public service, as to how f'ing NOT-BRIGHT his idea was.

Kids need to learn the physics of driving, and mature a good bit, before STIs come into the picture, responsibilly
Kudos for stopping him. I wonder of the "urge" to street race comes with the fast cars... It seems totally plausible for someone to do that with a slow car though

Kudos for stopping him. I wonder of the "urge" to street race comes with the fast cars... It seems totally plausible for someone to do that with a slow car though
I can see it now,3 young dudes roll up to stixxx in a 1972 vw microbus[pos] and ask[as the clouds part]Hey dude you wanna race?.LOL
default_additional_party.gif serious....young male..add a couple of friends,maybe a girl or a beer,after just watching ALL of the fast and furious movies,then jump into a high performence car ,in one word..TROUBLE......

when I was younger I did some dumb things... I knew how to drive but still took chances... Now I have a lot more car control and only do things I know are safe (in my mind) if this means sliding an on ramp at 80mph cool but I make sure no one is around when I do it.

I grew up with 2 beater woods cars that my friend and I got for cheap and learned to race the snowmobile trails by our houses. I jumped ****,crashed and learned fast... I still need to learn and will always need to learn.

so in short you can use it on the street but its when and how its used... a teen may not think about these things and a cool trick infront of a friend can end in fail... example of unskilled tards failing!!!

when I was 18 I had a 400hp passat b5 Fwd and I should have never had that car... I tricked my parents into letting me build it.

when I was 18 I had a 400hp passat b5 Fwd and I should have never had that car... I tricked my parents into letting me build it.
Do tell

I already asked my dad and he says that an intake and an exhaust are ok. I assume that summer + winter wheels are also ok.

How old should one be ,before getting an STI.??..My son has a friend, who parents just bought a 04/05 sti for their 17 year olds birthday...
.Am i getting old or is thinking
a turbo charged car for a teanage boy would just be asking for trouble:idk:...Another of their group bought a 98 rs/sti clone:eek:...Now my son is asking to try out my rex[i dont think so chucky:D].And wants to get his own subaru.Ahh inski what have you done to the local youth;)....I know im gonna have to be extra carefull in helping to keep the subaru reputation, from getting a bad name from these new hot rod kids:party:..By the way,ill be tagging them and intro them to the mainely subaru website asap.
This topic was started on 7/27...and brought back out of the mothballs for a quick update.:iam:The seventeen year old kid who was being spoken of,in the 2 months he owned the car, has since lost his right to drive on maine roads,then took the car back out behind his parents backs and totaled it:eek: his new 16 k birthday son,who desperately wanted to drive a rex[ NOT] ended up with a beater jeep
is still safely driving the roads of maine waiting for snow...Gotta be a lesson in here somewhere.
This topic was started on 7/27...and brought back out of the mothballs for a quick update.:iam:The seventeen year old kid who was being spoken of,in the 2 months he owned the car, has since lost his right to drive on maine roads,then took the car back out behind his parents backs and totaled it:eek: his new 16 k birthday son,who desperately wanted to drive a rex[ NOT] ended up with a beater jeep
is still safely driving the roads of maine waiting for snow...Gotta be a lesson in here somewhere.
I think that is called a good parenting FAIL. The only thing I regret hearing this story is the knowledge that another perfectly good STI has bit the dust. I am glad I started with a $100 POS. I put it in the snowbank many times before I learned how to have fun in the snow or otherwise without overdoing it.

This topic was started on 7/27...and brought back out of the mothballs for a quick update.:iam:The seventeen year old kid who was being spoken of,in the 2 months he owned the car, has since lost his right to drive on maine roads,then took the car back out behind his parents backs and totaled it:eek: his new 16 k birthday son,who desperately wanted to drive a rex[ NOT] ended up with a beater jeep
is still safely driving the roads of maine waiting for snow...Gotta be a lesson in here somewhere.
