How to Get Banned at NES

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I watched everything unfold..... on several occasion NES staff backed you up, cleaned up posts and things carried on their way. People do have their own opinions and expressed it several times. I think the admin staff just tried to laugh it off towards the end but you had to take it 10 steps further each time you felt an attack. Saying things like my car is so much better then yours or you don't own an STi or shut the front door! is going to give you unwanted attention. Lets face it, its the interwebz and there are plenty of opinions out there...some wanted and some not. It's unfortunate that you have to come running back to this site to complain about NES and its staff when they tried helping you out several times.

Well you obviously pissed them off somehow since you got banned. It takes 2 to tango and when you think you are king raisin like you obiously do it pisses people off so im not surpised you got banned. I just bought my sti and i joined there site and i have had no problems what so ever. i saw some of your posts and they were always negatgive and had name calling in it so maybe you sir are the real child in this scenerio.

they refuse to have meets north of York, because that's where the maine moderator and his buddys live. when i suggested a portland meet, i was immediatly shot down by all of them. This, to me is ignorant. That is one of the great things about MS, we move our meets around, so everyone has a chance to attend, and socialize with the group...

I watched everything unfold..... on several occasion NES staff backed you up, cleaned up posts and things carried on their way. People do have their own opinions and expressed it several times. I think the admin staff just tried to laugh it off towards the end but you had to take it 10 steps further each time you felt an attack. Saying things like my car is so much better then yours or you don't own an STi or shut the front door! is going to give you unwanted attention. Lets face it, its the interwebz and there are plenty of opinions out there...some wanted and some not. It's unfortunate that you have to come running back to this site to complain about NES and its staff when they tried helping you out several times.


<br />1- I watched everything unfold..... on several occasion NES staff backed you up, cleaned up posts and things carried on their way.

2- People do have their own opinions and expressed it several times. I think the admin staff just tried to laugh it off towards the end but you had to take it 10 steps further each time you felt an attack.

3- Saying things like my car is so much better then yours or you don't own an STi or shut the front door! is going to give you unwanted attention. Lets face it, its the interwebz and there are plenty of opinions out there...some wanted and some not.

4- It's unfortunate that you have to come running back to this site to complain about NES and its staff when they tried helping you out several times.<br />
<br /><br /><br />
I'll address this point-by-point.

1- they never "backed me up".

They only cleaned up my thread after I raised Hell behind the scenes about their two-faced behavior.

That their moderators cannot keep the kiddies over there, in line, is their fault, not mine.

2- The so-called "opinions" stated were thinly (or not) veiled trolling.

The way I (finally) reacted, was In Kind.

I don't need some kid with .99 in his '94 toilet telling me "how it is", and I shouldn't HAVE to stand for that kind of behavior.

That NES Admin allows it, is, in a word, pathetic.

That you're an apologist for their BS, is sad.

3- See Number Two.

4- I'm calling out NES Admin on running a two-faced site where their buddies do whatever the DON'T DODGE THE SWEAR FILTER they want, rules be damned.

The Admin at NES edit people's posts, they delete them at WILL, and the Admin do not abide by their own Terms of Use.

Understand THAT?

If you don't get that, then you belong over there, too.


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He thinks because he has money to buy 2 cars and money to rice the DON'T DODGE THE SWEAR FILTER out of them that he is king raisin. He also thinks his STI is the fastest thing ever. To bad I can think of 3 different cars on NES that make more WHP (which is the only one that matters) than his claimed BHP. Also I don't know why he thinks having 2 cars makes everyone jealous, his 2 cars are the ugliest things I have ever seen. I own a 2004 WRX and come April when I get back from Army basic training I will own a 2011 STI as well. I will NEVER act the way you acted on NES thinking I am awesome because of my 2 cars and talking down to everyone who doesn't suck my e-peen. You say NES is becoming like nasioc. That couldn't be farther from the truth. If NES ever bared any resemblance to nasioc it was you and your Terrible attitude talking the way you did to every member who didnt bow to you and your 2 disgusting looking cars like every member here does. Nobody cares about your 2 cars. Your not better than anyone else because you can afford them. I know PLENTLY of members on NES that can afford 2 cars (myself included) but choose not to. There are some that DO have 2 cars and yet for some reason don't have the "shitty I'm better than all of you, bow before me and stroke my e-peen" attitude. Get off your high horse you asshole your cars are ugly as raisin.

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<br />headed for deletion, this thread is i feel.<br />
<br /><br /><br />
Nah, IMO it'll stay.

They banned Carter for No Reason, too.

This is a Public Service Announcement, is all...


sti triple x

how long have you been on the net. The nick alone is enough to get erased.

you silly porn monger.

hehehe. j/k

a subaru site even has 99 cent 1994 toilets. grow up and smell the raisin.

I get deleted all the time, a lot of people do. I like it.. no choice but a peaceful return.

<br /><br /><br />

I'll address this point-by-point.

1- they never "backed me up".

They only cleaned up my thread after I raised Hell behind the scenes about their two-faced behavior.

That their moderators cannot keep the kiddies over there, in line, is their fault, not mine.

2- The so-called "opinions" stated were thinly (or not) veiled trolling.

The way I (finally) reacted, was In Kind.

I don't need some kid with .99 in his '94 toilet telling me "how it is", and I shouldn't HAVE to stand for that kind of behavior.

That NES Admin allows it, is, in a word, pathetic.

That you're an apologist for their BS, is sad.

3- See Number Two.

4- I'm calling out NES Admin on running a two-faced site where their buddies do whatever the INTERCOURSE they want, rules be damned.

The Admin at NES edit people's posts, they delete them at WILL, and the Admin do not abide by their own Terms of Use.

Understand THAT?

If you don't get that, then you belong over there, too.


All of this could not be further from the truth.

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sti triple x

how long have you been on the net. The nick alone is enough to get erased.

you silly porn monger.

hehehe. j/k

a subaru site even has 99 cent 1994 toilets. grow up and smell the raisin.

I get deleted all the time, a lot of people do. I like it.. no choice but a peaceful return.
There is nothing wrong with your posts on NES, I'm sure you dont get deleted. Your posts are always positive and helpful

He thinks because he has money to buy 2 cars and money to rice the INTERCOURSE out of them that he is king raisin. He also thinks his STI is the fastest thing ever. To bad I can think of 3 different cars on NES that make more WHP (which is the only one that matters) than his claimed BHP. Also I don't know why he thinks having 2 cars makes everyone jealous, his 2 cars are the ugliest things I have ever seen. I own a 2004 WRX and come April when I get back from Army basic training I will own a 2011 STI as well. I will NEVER act the way you acted on NES thinking I am awesome because of my 2 cars and talking down to everyone who doesn't suck my e-peen. You say NES is becoming like nasioc. That couldn't be farther from the truth. If NES ever bared any resemblance to nasioc it was you and your Terrible attitude talking the way you did to every member who didnt bow to you and your 2 disgusting looking cars like every member here does. Nobody cares about your 2 cars. Your not better than anyone else because you can afford them. I know PLENTLY of members on NES that can afford 2 cars (myself included) but choose not to. There are some that DO have 2 cars and yet for some reason don't have the "shitty I'm better than all of you, bow before me and stroke my e-peen" attitude. Get off your high horse you asshole your cars are ugly as raisin.
right, because WHP is all that matters.... its a good thing there are no corners where you come from. As a complete package, his sti has all the bases covered. drive that car through a twisty road, 350whp is more then enough.

funny, theres never any of that attitude you speak of until someone makes an ignorant hater comment. if you dont have anything nice to say, dont post in his thread. complicated concept. he doesn't go into other peoples threads and say "your car sucks, your a ricer"

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I love older Subarus.

Meyagi's & Garret's wagons are two of my favorite cars, along with Windsor's RHD postal Mobile.

But, to have a group of jealous kiddies (like the one above, ranting about "what a dick I am" and about his soon to be bought 2011 STI) constantly on my ass over nothing, got old.

And to That Guy, above, let me say this:

I have Subarus because I love them.

If I wanted a Porsche, guy, rest assured that a Carrera would be in my heated garage right now, looking at Sebago Lake through a window.

Next Summer, bring your "2011 STI" to NED, and we'll have a dragstrip pissing match, if getting whipped will make you feel better. Mmmmkay?

And, Importantly:

I think it's HILARIOUS that a few pissy NES'ers decided to prove me right by coming overt here and FLAMING my thread.

Good work boys, you walked right in to the trap, PROVING EXACTLY WHAT I'M SAYING ABOUT NES IS TRUE.

Thanks guys, for making this so easy.


And who the hell are these new folks from "Uranus"...Cute change it please.

I think I know Randy a lot better than most of you here. In fact MS would not be possible if it weren't for him. I found out the hard way he was not in it for the community and had a different agenda. For a while he has been unbanned from here, though he still tells everyone I'm a jackass who banned him for no reason and that he still can't come here, when it is actually the other way around.

Yikes... I guess this argument could go on forever. I see a couple new faces, so why not introduce yourselves in the "new member introduction" forum. (if you even intend on staying) I think its best we close this up and move on.

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