Imprezah's $25 sale

yuppo, the TMIC, complete with everything pictured, is still for sale.

Located in South Portland and free all week to meet up and make a sale.

it fits if you cut, rotate, and weld the flange that mates the midpipe to the catalytic converter pipe.

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how much would that cost to have done? I have no way of doing it in my situation. I am definitely interested. is it 2-1/4" pipe?

I think it's closer to 2 1/2" and it's usually around 50 bucks to have an exhaust shop do it, other than that, it will bolt right up.

It sure is, and it comes complete with y-pipe, bypass valve, and return hose.

Dude, for $25 you should definitely take is to get your motor swap running.... You can find a nice big sit tmic some other time.

Bump for the long weekend, a great time to buy and install

Forester xt struts and springs

Impreza TS struts and springs

Forester tow bar with wiring

Impreza tow bar with wiring!!!

ive been searching rs25 a lot and it seems like I can run 5-8 psi safely which should be good for 220ish, of course a lot to go with it, rfpr, fuel pump etc...I think ill start buying parts through out the winter and maybe start a build this spring/summer....they just upgraded our flat rate program and I flate rate every week as it is so the $$ should be rolling in....
Would it not be sooo much easier and safer to drop in a 2.2L Turbo out of a 2002 or 2003 WRX?

2.0's......and ive since then gone in a diff direction.....all the new subie owners with na's want boost!!!!! I learned


Get this stuff out of my apartment!

25% off anything if you buy in November with cash and pickup!

FXT TMIC is sold


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