In before the close!

Feel like I haven't been on in forever. Popped a tire the other day on the sidewall go figure. And the crack in the windshield is getting worse... I hate being broke.

The red looks good, at least extra 10 HP per sticker

Anyone know what it's going to cost me for a 105,000 mile timing belt service?  I'm not quite there yet (at 95,000 and some change currently), but prepping for this major service...  I know it's not going to be cheap. 

Evergreen had the list out on the wall, thought the timing belt was only a few hundred. All the other fluid changes I did myself

Put rally armor on the brother in laws xv today. He got the orange logo ur, they look pretty sexy. If anyone sees that orange xv wave at him

this thread is starting to get old. i took today off for a surgery consult. had to bring my sister to and from school, still drove almost as far as i'd gone to work in auburn

getting some tires put on tomorrow bridgestone potenza 235/40/18 should be pretty decent 

got a new heater for the garage since mine quit on me so ill be back to getting stuff done in the garage again 

def looking like once the snow is gone lowing springs will be going in maybe sways and without a doubt a new clutch ..also hoping to pick up a 2.5 block and have that to build over time 

I swear I posted earlier...huh. Can't find my forester xt midpipe. I know I have one, and I was getting ready to make it work with my imp and do a 2.5 inch catback with a borla if all goes well

Friggin Swype

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