Injulen's Impreza!


New member
I don't have much time to do a nice journal write up right now so I'm just starting this thread so I can work on it later.

As a bunch of you know, my Legacy was totaled Dec 1, 2013. I patiently waited to replace the car until I found the right replacement. I'm so glad I waited because Ally right here on the forums decided it was time to sell her WRB 96 Impreza. And I decided that that was the worthy successor to my Legacy. I'm' sure everyone on the forum is already very familiar with this car.

I've only had the car since Friday and I've already put 375 miles on it. Its great. I'm really enjoying the Impreza chassis.

Here are a couple photos to get the thread started. Right now I don't have any more mods planned because the car is already set up so well! 

Click on the thumbnails for full res versions.

i love the impreza chassis, i had an outback before this and the impreza just seems to handle a lot better.

glad to see another car staying within the group!

I just spent some time looking over the sound system and I found several loose connections at the amp and the 50A fuse under the hood was corroded so I cleaned it up. The amp and sub work great now!

eventually a system will get put in my little imp, but for now, ill stick with the one good speaker til i get the mechanical stuff all good, i have at least upgraded the radio

that's how I was with my Legacy, put in a better head unit and called it good until I had everything else how I wanted it. Never did get that far though. 

sounds like me with my outback, never got further than the head unit. i want to try and install some foggers on my car in the springtime. utilizing the "stock" location holes on the bumper, going to cut out those holes and see if i can mount them behind the bumper and have them aim out the holes.

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those do look great, my parents have got 2 unopened packages of fog lights. so i was going to use one of those, but you've got those ba lights on the front so i think your all set with lights.

still jealous of the color of the car and the sport hood and stuff, eventually if my car lasts long enough ill update the front end to the sport/rs hood lights and grill.

enjoy the winter with the awd.

Nice purchase!  I'm glad the car is staying in Mainely Subarus and hope to see more of it on here.  That sounded like a good deal on a well sorted out Impreza.  

My first Subaru was a 97 Impreza Outback Sport (6 Subarus ago...)  It's a fun, balanced wagon as I'm sure you are noticing judging by the pictures.  

Yesterday morning I went to leave the house and didn't notice that the front tires were both flat. I was tired and not thinking straight or I would have probably realized what was happening, I thought it was just bad pot holes in the dirt road we live on. As soon as I hit pavement though, I knew.

Passenger side front was shredded, drivers side was still okay but flat on the ground. I put the donut on the rear and the rear wheel on the front passenger and decided to drive home on the other flat. That one popped off the rim on the drive back up to the house but I knew it would. I wasn't too worried since I knew I'd have to replace all four tires no matter what. The rims seem to be okay but I'm not entirely sure. 

After pricing brand new tires for the 17" rims and also looking for some 16" wheels on craigslist all morning I ended up deciding to shave the WRX calipers down to fit my 15" wheels with Winterforce tires already on them that I had used for my Legacy. 

Click on the thumbnails for full res versions.
Tire carnage: 

Wheel test: 

Ground caliper:

I'm leaving the caliper unpainted until next weekend when hopefully I can get into a heated garage to finish it up. For now though, it is working great! I'm liking the look of the 15" wheels too. And they are narrower than the tires that were on the 17" rims so it should do better in the snow.

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Sprung a fuel leak over the weekend. Had it towed to a garage and fixed it in the parking lot the next day. I put in high pressure fuel injector hose for now but this spring/summer hopefully I will have access to a garage where I can replace the lines entirely, I'm sure there are some other soft spots. This spot that let go first was right where the rubber grommet is for the transition from under the car to inside the car, under the rear bench seat. Luckily I only lost about 1.5 gallons of fuel between driving it before realizing it and it sitting overnight leaking.

I had the bright idea on the side of the road that I might be able to patch it with silicone and drive it home. That did not work out and just made a big mess. A bit foolish on my part, thinking it would hold back the high pressure.
That is what you can see on the line in the first photo. The tow truck driver loved the car. He commented on the Stig sticker saying he loves Top Gear, and was super excited that it had a tow hook on each corner which made his job a lot easier since it was parked in a bad spot to be pulled straight on. 

As always, click on images for high-res.


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