Jesse's Bugeye

Well I got the led's installed in the park lights. Here's some crappy cell phone pictures!



Of course it looks far better in person. It gives the car a slightly more new look over the old bulbs.

I really like a lot of the things you've done with your car. You've inspired me to try some exterior DIY modsl, when the weather warms up a little more. Specifically I want to black out the headlight bezels and probably tint the windows. I have some more ambitious plans in mind too but that won't be for a while I think. I want to eventually do some interior projects with the Raspberry Pi.

I really like a lot of the things you've done with your car. You've inspired me to try some exterior DIY modsl, when the weather warms up a little more. Specifically I want to black out the headlight bezels and probably tint the windows. I have some more ambitious plans in mind too but that won't be for a while I think. I want to eventually do some interior projects with the Raspberry Pi.
Thanks, man! Glad I could give you some inspiration!

One word of advice on the headlight bezels: Tape off some of the reflector for the blinker. I painted mine black and they're not as bright during the day. They still light up, so I think they're legal and all, but I'm not really sure.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me!

Wow, it's been a long time since I've updated this. I'm slowly building a pc that will run cadd programs, so this has been put on the back burner.

I had to adjust the coilovers to lift the car up because the new place I'm in, the driveway sucks. Even after getting back to stock ride height, I bottom out on the driver's side side skirt. It hasn't broken, but I can't imagine it's pretty under there.

Also on the driver's side, there is a nice bubble in the paint. The curse of Maine Winters is already messing with the still kind of newish paint and body work. I'll have to wait for it to get bad before I consider putting her under the knife again.

Hopefully this summer after the pc build I'll be doing a couple of new things. Step one is getting the landlord to fix the driveway like he said he would...

Well, had to get the old girl towed today. Leaking coolant near the turbo. From what I saw looking down it's dripping on to the up pipe, but I couldn't pin point exactly where it was coming from. I'll have to get under the car tomorrow morning and see what's up. I'm hoping a clamp just came loose..



Also, the collar to adjust ride height on my front driver side coilover is seized up.

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Thermostat did the trick.

More bad news, I backed into a grill and scratched the paint all the way to the metal.. With that and the other scraps it's gotten in only a year and a half in seriously considering a diy vinyl wrap or real thick plastidip over the entire car. I have a spot where the paint bubbled too so I'm thinking this spring would be a good time to redo eveything..

Been super busy lately. Haven't had time or money to do much. I did order some new speakers. Rears are installed and now I just have to wait for the girlfriend to actually bring them home from Husson...

I do have some plans for next summer though. Mostly wheel/tire/suspension goodies, which is why I'll wait. My current wheels/tires may be for sale at some point next year along with my coilovers. Need. Wider. Wheels.

I've also started talking to a specialist for importing rare JDM parts, so hopefully I'll have a real nice surprise for my wallet this coming spring!

Here's a couple of pictures from this summer when it was actually clean!



My current summer wheels are pending. Town Fair is honoring the warranty on the tires, so those will be replaced with brandy new tires come spring. They also fixed the alignment for free. Turns out this was a common practice for a former employee.

Since my wheels are pending, it's time to sit and wait for a good sale on the wheels I'm interested in. I'm going 18x9.5 et38, or 36 if I randomly decide to change my mind. I'm looking at Ambit's. They seem to be good quality and a fair price. The only question is, which style should I get?



Well. Those are some huge pictures. I guess we'll see how this posts! I'm leaning towards the bottom picture, but I'm not sure how they'll look on my car since I've never seen them on a GD.. Input is much appreciated!

A friend was recently telling me about Ambit wheels, they do seem like pretty good quality for a good price. They have one that looks similar to the Enkei nt03's which I love. Both of those ^ look great though, hard decision!

Wheels are sold! Ended up using that cash to get rear brake pads and a rear bearing with all the things that go with that job... I'll be having lots of fun next Friday. Of course, by fun I mean frustration and general hating of my car. Yay!

Got the interior! It's in better shape than I thought, mostly it's dirty. I'll clean it up in the next couple days then install it all Friday, weather permitting. Cameron also had an 05 rear bumper cover that I grabbed for an extra $60 (let hope the girlfriend doesn't find out). I'll be on the look out for reasonably priced 04/05 tails to pull together the rear end look. A diffuser of some sort will be required.

Pictures of the interior to come!

Well, here are the seats still dirty. Only one door card is pictured.


This week is a big one for my car I suppose. I just ordered some wheels!


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