just a quick pic of my car cause I can


New member
I took 10 pics the other day and the last one as I was walking away was the only good one


Too bad theres a telephone poll and trash in the way... But I guess it give it "effect"

Get some fogs. And more pictures, the car looks HOT

And take that fake mason jar off from your goddamn rear view mirror, that's a huge ass obstruction of your view! >


Chicken coops in Lewiston FTW!.

Nice rig L-Town. The only other white RS coupe I've seen is in Raymond. Cant even recall seeing a white one at the 1st WBM i went to.

Yeah... I'll take it. And the cockroaches that come with it... and the herpes and other unmentionable downtown crap.

cockroach herpes playpen??!! eeeew. this is one reason why the ban on fires at Maine trash dumps is a bad idea.

back on topic:

also looks like he could twiddle the rubber hood adjusting plugs up a quarter inch or so to make the panel gaps smoother between hood and leading edge of front fendas. Old Nigel has been getting a lot of experience lately fixing sheet metal on the front of his own Scoobies, so why not sperad the love?

Yeah the mason jar thing is gonna go, its been there so long I didn't even notice until someone mentioned it and I looked at it. The hood gaps... I've tried a to play with the rubber plugs but it needs some tweaking here or there to get to perfection. Its the end result of what happens when a caravan who stops at a yield and an RS that isn't paying close attention to forementioned non yielder colide at 10 mph. THe fogs smashed in the crash. So right now I'm trying to get it back to beauty. Its a slow slow process at the moment.

no its a steelie cause I blew a tire, I'm waiting to pick up a pair of rubber from Impreza05 By the way I'm going back to white rims. The black just isn't hitting me the way I want. So steelies will stay on atleast for another week

Yeah the mason jar thing is gonna go, its been there so long I didn't even notice until someone mentioned it and I looked at it. The hood gaps... I've tried a to play with the rubber plugs but it needs some tweaking here or there to get to perfection. Its the end result of what happens when a caravan who stops at a yield and an RS that isn't paying close attention to forementioned non yielder colide at 10 mph. THe fogs smashed in the crash. So right now I'm trying to get it back to beauty. Its a slow slow process at the moment.
Ok so I took some advice, I disgarded the chicken coop/play pen and telephone pole. I ripped off the mason jar and put fog light covers on. Yes still on steel wheels
But I think its starting to look a litte more decent


Thanks Akina, I like the covers a lot better than the empty spots. I'd rather have fogs but $$ isn't always easy to come by so the covers were a good alternative for me.
