Just got a Macbook Pro

Ahhhh what the hell ill give it a try.
Best thing to do. It's really an opinion thing, chrome vs firefox, ford vs chevy, evo vs sti, you know those ol' debates. End of the day it doesn't matter, whatever makes you happy.

out of curiosity what FF plug ins do you use? ive never gotten around to trying any out

Oh man you guys are missing out.

Link to addon site: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/

AdBlock+ (removes ads from browser)

Chatzilla (IRC client)

Download Status Bar (better view of downloads imo)

Downloadhelper/downloadthemall (mass download managers)

Firebug (debug websites when I'm making them)

Grab and Drag (hand tool for navigation)

Greasemonkey (run custom scripts on web pages)

Tabmix+ (a lot of options to fix tab arrangement)

Xmarks (cloud sync of booksmarks)

Adblock Plus for sure

Firebug is nice, but I rarely need to/have a reason to use it

greasemonkey rocks

I'll have to check out Tabmix+ now

<- I hate iMovie. It just can't do what I need, even though I hardly need to do anything with video stuff

You could convert it or look for an .avi codec/plugin for iMovie.
